A design concept I'd like to see on LED lights.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 12, 2006
Died Nov. 2015
:grin2: ... I'm wondering if this could be possible ?

How about lights made with TWO control buttons to make ALL options available under variable circumstances and needs .... on one light ?

One tactical button on the rear / One variable button on the side - near the front - (like MAG button placement).

For casual use - halfpress the momentary style (forward clicky button) on front/side to start in 1 lumen low - continue holding for ramping upward effect and fully click on when the desired light level is reached.

Or for Tactical use - at ANY time - (which would override the side button) - halfpress the momentary style (forward clicky button) on the REAR to turn it on immediately in maximum brightness (bypassing the side button) or continue pressing till it clicks which would put it in Strobe mode.... - click again to turn off.

This way you could have the customary tactical style button on the end for momentary light - or fully press till it clicks to go into strobe mode. The side button is just for variable light output.

Now this concept might require the circuit to be engineered similar to 3-way light switch's used in homes ... where two switches can control one light .....but is it feasable ..... could it work ?

Could this provide the best of both worlds - in one package :grin2:

Please provide your opinions

Regards to all ........... TooManyGizmos :D
:D WOW .... thanks Yapo ,

That's real close.
I had not seen that b-4 now.

I thought the Solarforce was a foot long light that uses 2X 18650.

Wish it could start out real low on 1 lumen and go up.
It also has no memory .

If not for that .... I'd be buying it.

Thanks for your reply and help Yapo

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Wish it could start out real low on 1 lumen and go up.
It also has no memory .

If not for that .... I'd be buying it.


they will have the next generation T7 (version 2) with memory function that can start from real low in upcoming months. just see their website.

Cheers mate.
Since we're talking about features we'd like to see, my most desired feature on EVERY multi-level light I ever buy in the future would be a memory feature.

I sort of lived with the UI of my MRV (and other Lumapowers) and Fenix (and others) lights, but got immediately spoiled when I got my Deree lights (both DBS and CL1H) with digital "memory" modules.
I love those things!

I find that I use a particular brightness level most often on any of my lights, so having it turn on at that level by memory makes them a joy to use. It's still just a half-press away to change levels if I want (or to set a new memory level).

As a second choice, I am also quite happy with lights such as the Novatac and Jet I IBS because, while they don't have a memory feature, you CAN program them to turn on at whatever level you want and then go to other levels from there is desired. Then it's still easy to change the default "first on" level if need be.

I forgive Surefire for their lack of memory feature because at least you can choose whatever model of light that works the way you want it to (although you're stuck with that from then on).

So here's a clue and a warning to all manufactures; I will consider NO light purchase in the future that doesn't operate with a memory feature or user programmability. I just won't... and I buy a lot of lights. :poke: :shakehead
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I'm afraid I lean the other way - the fewer features and options, the better. The more options there are, the more there is to go wrong.

On and off is fine in most lights. On, low, high is very useful in smaller lights. Anything more than that is usually a PITA and asking for trouble.

An example: when opinion was being canvassed for the UI for the Zebralight H30, a few of us urged them to keep it as simple as possible. Unfortunately, other members suggested dozens of different features. Some of these extra features were incorporated, over-complicating the light - and just look what has happened.

Obviously, that is just one example - and I hope it is fixed OK, because the H30 is potentially a very nice light.

Some lights with extra features work just fine, and they have deserved their loyal customer base and devotees.

I am actually looking forward with keen anticipation to the SF UA2, with its multi-levels and focussing features - and that must be about as complicated as a light can get.

But as a general rule, the simpler the better, IMO.
But as a general rule, the simpler the better, IMO.

I totally agree. That's one reason I like the simplicity of Surefire lights (in general).
What I'm referring to is that IF a manufacturer decides that they MUST build a multi-level light (3 or more levels plus features like strobe, etc.), THEN I want the memory feature in order to make the light more simple to use, not more complex.

So that's my point; non-memory multi-level lights end up being a real pain to use when you have to click through all the levels and functions every time you turn it on in order to get to where you usually want to end up.
And there is definitely a place for multi-level lights for many people.
So what I'm arguing for is more simplicity in those multi-level lights, not more complexity when there doesn't need to be.

As a side note, a couple of my most favorite lights are my two 6P's, one with a M60 drop-in and the other with a M60L drop-in, and both with the original twisty 6P tailcaps. It doesn't get any more simple or reliable than that.
On the other hand, my CL1H/3SD (with memory) is the light I'll often grab when I feel that having lower levels available is important.

So many lights, so little time.
Surefire U2 fits the bill too. But I'd wait for the Optimus or Invictus.
Something close to what you're asking for is coming.....


You can't keep us waiting like that! :( LOL.

I like multi level lights with a memory. I also would like to see more focusable lights but only if they are robust and non-gimicky.
Something close to what you're asking for is coming.....


Well Matt, I hope what you mean is that I'll be able to get upgraded modules for my MRV/265lumen and D-Mini that will make them more user friendly with memory or programming features, then I'm in!

But if all that's going to happen is that new lights are being improved, then the previous advertising slogans of Lumapower about "upgradeability" wouldn't mean much.

So, I wait with bad, er, I mean baited breath waiting for the MRV and D-Mini upgrade modules! ;)
:twothumbs. WOW guys ..... good info ..... keep it coming

Thanks to all who are participating in this discussion.

I'm learning things I didn't know

Well Matt, I hope what you mean is that I'll be able to get upgraded modules for my MRV/265lumen and D-Mini that will make them more user friendly with memory or programming features, then I'm in!

But if all that's going to happen is that new lights are being improved, then the previous advertising slogans of Lumapower about "upgradeability" wouldn't mean much.

So, I wait with bad, er, I mean baited breath waiting for the MRV and D-Mini upgrade modules! ;)

265L is currently the top spec for the MRV and there have been a number of upgrade/option releases - the production lights have seen in-line upgrades (mostly emitter) 3-4 times a year in the past 18 months and an upgrade cannot feasibly be offered at each emitter upgrade. The D-mini has been out barely over a year and already has seen 2 switch upgrades/options, 2 optional battery tubes & 1 emitter upgrade. The MRV has been out for 10 months and has switch upgrades, battery tubes and 1 emitter upgrade thus far. I think we can expect an MRV Digital/Q5 upgrade option fairly soon as Q5 availbility has been better... In the meantime Lumapower has just introduced 2 new lights in the past month (as of tomorrow) and more are coming soon. :)
I'm afraid I lean the other way - the fewer features and options, the better. The more options there are, the more there is to go wrong.

On and off is fine in most lights. On, low, high is very useful in smaller lights. Anything more than that is usually a PITA and asking for trouble.

I'm afraid I agree with Dave. I like my lights simple like the TK10 and E1B. Low, Hi, and Off. Change the power with the TK10 with a twist and the E1B with the push of a switch. Don't care just keep it simple.

Now having said that the ONE thing I would like to have on all my lights would be a functional battery guage. My lights are all in different states of charge and I never know where their at. I am really looking forward to this feature on the new U2's and hope this feature works extremely well.

Something close to what you're asking for is coming.....


Well ....... MattK ,

Has it been long enough now ..... or is it still coming ?

When will you be able to give me details on what you were speaking of ?

Does it have a side button and a rear button ?

In the meantime - I'm considering a Novatac. Are new , higher lumen NovaTacs about to come out ? Or will they stay with 120 as Max ?

Tell me more Matt ..:popcorn: