a little light for my mum


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 16, 2008
After showing her the P3D compared to all the other toches i had she was amazed at the size it was and complained it was hurting her eyes, she also pointed out that she doesnt hav a single torch and that i have loads.

So i have decided to get my mum a little torch, it didnt need to be blindingly bright, just bright enough to take the dog a walk and not stand in any poo, also needs to be easy to use and with a readily available power source eg AA battery.

I ordered the Romisen RC-G2 from DX because i had just recieved the N3 and thought it was great, nearly as bright as the P3D and i also ordered a SAIK RC-A3, just to see how well it performs and as a backup if she cant work the G2.

Does any1 else have any of these, i havent heard any1 talking about the SAIK, is it crap lol.

Also what torch would you buy to give your mum to keep around the house and also be quite happy using yourself:grin2:
The A3 is alright, not too bright. Mine has had problems with flickering, especially with depleted cells.

I really like the previous generation of this light, and I understand that the new one is better, if a little more expensive.
is it maybe fickering to tell you that it has low batteries like you get with fenix torches, thats another thing its needs to be reliable eg not flicker
I actually just gave my mother a light for use around the house and outside at night, I chose an Inova Bolt AAA. It is a small size, yet not too small that it gets lsot in her housecoat pocket, plenty bright enough, and she liked the feel of the rubber sleeve.
The Fenix L2T V2.0 could be a good choice. Two pretty simple to use modes and a froward clickie. AA batteries too.

Out of those that you have bought, the N3 is probably the better choice. It runs longer then the others(due to 2 AAs).
The RC-A3 has a partial review in bessiebenny's budget light thread

I have Shiningbeam's version of the RC-G2 ugraded with a Q5. Nice and throwy but some decent spill with the Q5.

I also had a RC-H3 (since given away) that I really liked. Small, lightweight, romisen build quality, and very floody. Shiningbeam has a Q5 version for a little more. Gives me more runtime than the G2 and is less "blocky"/more comfortable in hand.

All 3 are one stage (A3 reverse clicky and the other two forward.) Buying at this point you are probably getting a P4 instead of the original P2/P3 Crees. All are nice, simple, budget lights, and you might get some ideas from benny's thread for others.