It is a blast to share and discuss the latest and greatest. For a change, here's an oldie but a goody: County Comm Inova X5T "milspec"
I've got a passion for rugged, dependable, and rare lights. This one meets all of those criteria.
I had one a few years ago. It traveled the world with me. It was one of those lights I could always count on. Rugged as Hell. Long, long runtimes. A nice floody beam to walk home by, or check out that little dark corner in the catacombs of an ancient cathedral.
I understand it was a special run of Inova X5s. They are clad in milspec HA natural anodize. They are sterile- no Inova markings visible anywhere (not even the rubber tailcap boot). The bezel was also anodized in milspec HA natural- compare it to the shiny stainless steel bezels on stock X5s. It also has additional threads on the tailcap.
I was lucky enough to score this one. I've been looking for a long, long time for another. Why?
- Rugged as Hell- the X5 is a great little light
- milspec HA anodize- again, rugged as Hell
- Anodized bezel- reminds me of a WWII era jeep
- Long, long runtimes (something like 6.5 hours to 50% output!)
- Sucks used cells dry- got a cell that Fenix/HDS/SureFire won't drain? This one will!
- Twisty lockout tailcap with momentary "press" on
- Plus it really is "tacticool"
I'll use it when camping and sometimes on night hikes and walks. The LEDs are not cutting edge by any comparision... and blue... but the floody pattern is great with no hotspot. It is great for up-close work too.
I'm happy to have found an old friend. If you ever get the chance, and could use a really rugged, reliable light, pick one up. Especially the milspec version, as it is truly something special.
Side shot of milspec HA natural anodize:

Shot of the tailcap and extra threads:

The anodized bezel:

The sterile tailcap- note no markings:

Shot of the great machining/knurling on the tailcap (sorry for the dust

I've got a passion for rugged, dependable, and rare lights. This one meets all of those criteria.
I had one a few years ago. It traveled the world with me. It was one of those lights I could always count on. Rugged as Hell. Long, long runtimes. A nice floody beam to walk home by, or check out that little dark corner in the catacombs of an ancient cathedral.
I understand it was a special run of Inova X5s. They are clad in milspec HA natural anodize. They are sterile- no Inova markings visible anywhere (not even the rubber tailcap boot). The bezel was also anodized in milspec HA natural- compare it to the shiny stainless steel bezels on stock X5s. It also has additional threads on the tailcap.
I was lucky enough to score this one. I've been looking for a long, long time for another. Why?
- Rugged as Hell- the X5 is a great little light
- milspec HA anodize- again, rugged as Hell
- Anodized bezel- reminds me of a WWII era jeep
- Long, long runtimes (something like 6.5 hours to 50% output!)
- Sucks used cells dry- got a cell that Fenix/HDS/SureFire won't drain? This one will!
- Twisty lockout tailcap with momentary "press" on
- Plus it really is "tacticool"
I'll use it when camping and sometimes on night hikes and walks. The LEDs are not cutting edge by any comparision... and blue... but the floody pattern is great with no hotspot. It is great for up-close work too.
I'm happy to have found an old friend. If you ever get the chance, and could use a really rugged, reliable light, pick one up. Especially the milspec version, as it is truly something special.
Side shot of milspec HA natural anodize:

Shot of the tailcap and extra threads:

The anodized bezel:

The sterile tailcap- note no markings:

Shot of the great machining/knurling on the tailcap (sorry for the dust