a USL, Mag85/3" head, X990 and a fire!!


Newly Enlightened
Oct 1, 2005
Great pics, the USL looks great. How does the USL compare to a Surefire M6 or M6R?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2004
Racine, WI USA
fun stuff.. 100W lights are here to stay.. so more and more people will have the USL-like power in the not distant future.. it is an amazing thing to see, but ... WARNING.. you will be forever spoiled.. your 'wimpy' Mag85 will seem like the batteries are forever dead.. it's kinda devastating.

My favorite experiment to show off a Mag100 or the new IRC equivalents.. is to hit the heel of my black leather shoes.. smoke wisps off just like a lit cigarette within 2-3 seconds.. my second fav.. from 2-3" away.. beam some black plastic garbage bag.. puts a perfect circle through in 2 seconds flat... if you do it from more distance you can 'pan around' and 'shrinky dink' the plastic.. I've heard that LarryK did the equivalent with his LK14 from about 6 FEET away! that thing is IN SANE!


The USL (ultimate stealth light).. uses a 100W xenon filled incan lamp.. rated at 100W but pushed to about 120W with over drive.. it is hosted in a custom made light that starts as a 3D mag and cut down to 2D size to put in a custom switch on the side... it's a work of art, nothing less.

Runtime I would estimate at 8-9 minutes.. i've heard reports of 10-12.. but it uses AA cells that i've measured to about 1400mAH (they are 'rated' 1650).. in any event.. enough funtime to be useful (that was a typo but i left it it was apropos).

Kris.. to ans. the question about M6:


Surefire M6 with fresh batteries (just as or more bright compared to a rechargeable model).


Mag100R.. same exact lamp and reflector as the USL.. but regulated output with an extra cell, so for the first 5-6 minutes there is no dimming whatsoever... basically exactly what a USL will look like about 30 seconds after a fresh charge.

In short.. FIVE TIMES the light... it's awe-inspiring.
