A weird feeling....


Aug 27, 2006
Ever have the strange feeling that you should own a certain light?

I don't mean, "Yeah I wish I owned a Surefire M6."

I mean just having a weird feeling that you've handled a light that you really haven't.

Every time I see a black Tiablo A8, I feel as though I've handled and used it before. But I don't own one. Don't own any Tiablo lights. Never even held one in my hand. But when I look at pictures of an A8, it seems (for lack of a better word) "familiar" in my hand.

Anyone else get this feeling?
Sounds like you may have had a dream about it and not remembered it.

I haven't had a deja vu for a long time myself but do get the odd weird feeling now & then.
I have had that with a light that dont exist!
I feel somewhat familiar with a light that I just saw in my mind somehow.. :)

The light is red, like sf winelight, the form is like a M3 but size of a E2E, I think it had a clip. The light was a led light with an seletor ring just like the U2s! The output would be like 500 lumen max, and this in this tiny 2 X CR123 form factor!
Oddly I was just feeling a distinct Déjà vu recently about a particular flashlight I did not yet own but was planning to buy. That had never happened before. I now own 2 of them. The veil between the parallel realms is growing thinner ... :D
I have had that with a light that dont exist!
I feel somewhat familiar with a light that I just saw in my mind somehow.. :)

The light is red, like sf winelight, the form is like a M3 but size of a E2E, I think it had a clip.

I think for starters a red E2E would be a better option

for me an ideal light would be an HID output in the form of a Xenon light...and this surefire's ARC-1 looks very promising:huh:
screenshots from PDF catalog

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You mean like a flashlight Déjà vu?

Yeah, that's it.

I've tried to think of the various lights I own that have a similar barrel, tailcap, and shape of an A8. So far, drawing a blank. Had considered buying an A8S recently, but not really into it as much, now.
I've had several dreams about the M6. Nothing really special, just me using the light like it was no big deal. Then I wake up expecting to see it on my nightstand. The weird thing is, I don't really want a M6 all that bad. Only after these dreams have I considered buying one. I'm not sure if this is what your talking about though.
I've had several dreams about the M6. Nothing really special, just me using the light like it was no big deal. Then I wake up expecting to see it on my nightstand. The weird thing is, I don't really want a M6 all that bad. Only after these dreams have I considered buying one. I'm not sure if this is what your talking about though.

Not exactly, but definitely very similar.

I just have a nagging thought that if I get one, I'll end up using it for somethging important.

Not to bash the Tiablo A8/A9, but there are a couple of things I don't like about the lights. Mostly having to deplete CR123 cells for 3 minutes before being able to fire up high mode. And maybe it's just me, but the lens doesn't seem to be recessed far back enough.... Still, can't shake the feeling that the A8 should already be in my collection. Never had that happen with any other light. :shrug:
I had a deja vu with a HID Saint a while back, I bought one and used it for about 2 weeks when the feeling left I sold it, I would say just buy the light and make your soul happy!!! Or you will be thinking about it for a long time.


Well, it finally hit me. I have a pretty good guess where the weird feeling was coming from....

Although I don't own one, yet; I have handled (a couple of times) a Surefire 9P at B&M shops in Manhattan. If you ignore the bezel and the rings above it, the barrel and tailcap of the A8 looks awfully similar to that of the SF 9P.

Guess that's the most logical explanation of why the A8 felt like it already belongs in my collection. (I do plan on buying a 9P when I get my next paycheck).

Maybe my realization is not 100% spot-on. But it definitely makes sense.... Might pick up an A8 anyway. Got a couple of new 18650 Ultrafire cells going unused. Sure would hate to let those cells go to waste. :grin2:

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