A2 acting up, anyone have any ideas?

Dark Light

Newly Enlightened
Oct 7, 2007
I was using my A2 in cold weather the other night on fresh batteries (from battery station i think, the blue ones) and about 2 mins into using the incan. bulb it starts flashing between normal brightness and dim. Has anyone else had a similar problem?
I was using my A2 in cold weather the other night on fresh batteries (from battery station i think, the blue ones) and about 2 mins into using the incan. bulb it starts flashing between normal brightness and dim. Has anyone else had a similar problem?

This is a fairly well documented "issue" (for want of a better word...I wouldn't say it is a problem) if you search.

The "low" incan mode occurs when the batteries are running low on power. However, some brands of batteries just don't seem to be able to power the A2, even when fresh, so that may be your problem. I suggest only using SF123a batteries in your A2 - they have never given me a problem. You will still likely experience the low incandescent output near the end of the life of the batteries, but you can just think of this as a reminder to replace them :eek:

I had the same happen to me the other day.....I tightened the head down a bit more and it worked fine again.
The non USA made Battery Station CR123's did not work well with my A2. Some times the light would not turn on. Strictly a battery issue. USA made work fine in A2.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I happen to have scrapped about 20 of the older non us-made bs cr123s because only 2 out of the bunch could put my A2 in regulation.
I thought they all died to a year of storage but I guess I'm just going to have to use my inova x5 a whole lot more...
Yeah good to know on the batteries. Ill just have to use the 20 or so free ones on my 6p for work until they all crap out.
I had the same happen to me the other day.....I tightened the head down a bit more and it worked fine again.

Don't forget to try this too! There's an uncommon situation where an improperly seated clip will interfere with the head making full contact. Tighten the head as much as you can. If that doesn't work, clean all contacts, and tap the clip further down.

Battery-wise, I've had the same behavior with Varta cells.