A2 Aviator's selling for $97 retail?

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Dec 23, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
I just got back from a Sportsman's Warehouse (the one in North Phoenix located at 27th Avenue and AZ-101). They aren't having their sale any more on SureFire's, but I noticed a very strange thing...

They are selling the Aviator A2's (White LED variants are all they had in stock) at a non-discounted, normal price of $97. The price stickers are the normal ones, not the clearance tagged units.

Does this mean that the A2 Aviators are going to be dropping in MSRP?

Somebody with a sticker machine forgot to punch in a 1? Did you ask them if that's the real price thou?
I can't - I'm tapped out money wise til next paycheck. Don't laugh, but I allocate a certain amount per paycheck for "toys". Some months I save up multiple weeks worth for a new rifle or handgun, other months I blow the whole thing on flashlight/flashlight parts/ammo/other accessories.


Any chance of you going back and getting one for me?
They are selling the Aviator A2's (White LED variants are all they had in stock) at a non-discounted, normal price of $97. The price stickers are the normal ones, not the clearance tagged units.

Does this mean that the A2 Aviators are going to be dropping in MSRP?


The ones I bought during the clearance event all had "normal" price tags with bar codes. The price printed was $97.49. I think they just tagged them with the half-off price, and the people now at the gift bar just think it's the normal price. In any case, Sportsman's Warehouse is discontinuing them, so in a sense that is their normal price now. They're still at MSRP everywhere else. (I mean MMRP... manufacturer's mandated retail price ;))
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This has now been posted in the 'Good Deals' sub-forum in the Marketplace, which is where it belongs, so this thread is closed.
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