AA x 1 lights: throw, lumens, UI + more


Jan 5, 2007
Washington DC area
Rex2 v JB MK.IIX v L1D v UFire C3 v Huntlight M3
This posting is primarily a review of a bunch of popular 1 x AA format flashlights, with a few other known lights thrown in. Note about the Rexlight2: the piece tested here is a dark medium grey color, lighter than the JetBeam. If you have the black Rexlight2 and think it is the same or different from the one I describe, please pipe in. I'd like to get some feedback on the black Rexlight. I'd also like to know what other 1 x AA lights you would like reviewed. I have a couple more I could add in here, like the CL-E and an $18 light from DE that is 2 stage but 14500 only, and I have the new Dexlight coming (MK.II knockoff).

Build: Reflectors are OP for the Rex, JetBeam, Huntlight and C3, and smooth for the Fenix. Fit and finish is highest for the Huntlight. The Rex, JetBeam, Fenix and Ultrafire are all comparable. After the Huntlight, the Fenix is the heaviest and largest of the bunch. Weight: Huntlight @ 3.2 oz, Fenix @ 2.5, Ultrafire C3 @ 2.2, Rex @ 2.1, and JetBeam MK.IIX @ 1.9. The JB was clearly the lightest, and also a little smaller than the rest (except the C3 is slightly smaller) and might pass the men's front dress pocket test. By comparison, the M3 (in 1 x AA format) is huge. But it's overbuilt like a tank and fit and finish may be the best of the group. It's also beautiful in the hand with its heftiness and rugged, smooth lines and probably has the longest runtimes. You can also pick your battery configuration for the M3 (1 x AA, 2 x AA, or 1 x 123) but don't run two rechargeable Lithium Ions.

User Interface (UI)
The M3 and L1D are very simple to use. The Rexlight turns on to your last setting. The M3 is click low, click high, click off (with the two stage clickie). Very easy for one hand. The regular tailswitch is momentary and screws down to turn the light on. When on high, the body just below head can be unscrewed ¼ of a turn to reduce output about 50% for medium. This takes two hands. The Rexlight turns on to whatever light level or other mode you last used. Alternatively you can select the start mode by cycling through the modes and turning off just before the target mode, like with a flupic. Next time turned on, the light will turn on to the target mode. The L1D is also very nice. It always turns on in low and you tap the switch to toggle to medium to high to SOS. Very intuitive. Screw the head down for turbo and the light always starts on high, and you toggle between high and strobe. The JetBeam has an unusual UI. In normal mode it always starts at medium, and you tap the switch to togggle to low, high, strobe and intermittent pulsing. This is simple, tho I would prefer to start in low. Turn the light off in low to get to advanced mode which offers 9 output levels and 5 pulsing modes. In advanced mode the light always starts in high (as long as it has been off for at least 2 seconds), which is brighter than normal high. In advanced mode it is very quick to get to the highest and lowest output levels. High, just turn it on. Low, turn the light on followed by two quick taps. It is easy to do this quickly enough to preserve night vision because the quick taps prevent the light from reaching full brightness. Once in low, you gradually increase brightness by toggling the reverse clickie, nine levels of light followed by 4 different pulsing modes, then full high, strobe and back again to low. Very quick to get to full high and low, cumbersome to the get to some of the flashing modes. You exit advanced mode by turning it off from either the low output strobe mode (easy to locate) or the highest level of constant light in the sequence beginning with low (just look for the low output strobe, its much easier). The C3 is a one stage light.

Beam Comments
Beams on the Rexlight2, JetBeamMK.IIX and M3 are very similar. The beams for the $18 UltraFire C3 and the L1D are similar with very noticeable Cree Rings. Tint, the JetBeam is very pure white, Rex is slightly warmer, the C3 is slightly purple and the Fenix a little yellow. One M3 is white as the JetBeam, another M3 is more yellow than the Fenix. Cree rings do not exist on either the JetBeam the Rex and the Huntlight. The L1D and the C3 have conspicuous Cree rings. PWM is very similar between the Rex and JetBeam, not noticeable on either when walking around. On low, the Rex is a little slower pulsed than the JetBeam, but the Jet is also a little dimmer. The others have no PWM: The L1D is electronically dimmed, the M3 uses a resistor in the clickie for low and constant current regulation for medium. Walking, the beams of the RexLight and the M3 were the most pleasant for walking around with. The illumination seems more even, the center spot doesn't jump out at you as much as the others.

Methodology to estimate Lumens
To estimate lumens, I used three known lights as benchmarks that I compared to the test lights at short and long distances, comparing size and brightness of both spot and coronas. Each test light is compared against each benchmark light to estimate lumens, and then I average the results. I also compare the test lights against each other as a final check. The three benchmark lights are the Huntlight FT-01XSE running an AW 18650 that I assume the different output levels in lumens are 130 / 88 / 65 / 40 / 13. A P1D-CE that I assume is 115 lumens on a primary, and a Neo T5 that I assume is 110 lumens on a primary.

Brightness Comparison
Huntlight FTOX (18650)…………..….……..........…….…130 lumens
Fenix P1D-CE…………………………...........…………...…..115
Rex (14500)…..........…………..............................95
JetBeam MK.IIX (14500 Advanced mode)…............90
JetBeam MK.IIX (14500 regular mode)…...........…….85
M3 (14500)……...........……………………..........…….……75
M3 (primary 123)…..……………………...........…….….……65
Rex (alkaline)…………………………….…...........…………...65
JetBeam MK.IIX (alkaline advanced mode)….…….…..65
C3 on alkaline……….………………...........………….………..55
M3 on alkaline…………………….……............…..…………..53
JetBeam MK.IIX (alkaline regular mode)…...….......…50

M3 Lumens estimates (Benchmark: Huntlight FT-01XSE 130 / 88 / 65 / 40 / 13)
Hi... w/ 14500 75 lumens, primary 123 65 lumens alkaline AA
Med w/ 14500 35 lumens, primary 123 30 lumens alkaline AA
Low w/ 14500.. 9 lumens, primary 123. 7 lumens alkaline AA

Brightness testing with alkalines
The Rex was the brightest and threw the furthest on alkalines. If you will use alkalines only, the Rex may be the best choice. The Rex also got a little warm during the test, while the JetBeam, Fenix and C3 did not get warm at all. Lumens on Low, I would estimate the Rex and the JetBeam output about 10 lumens, using the Neo T5 15 lumen low as a benchmark, would guess the L1D to output maybe 7 lumens and the M3 maybe 4. The C3 is single stage.

Brightness testing with 14500's
A huge increase in brightness for the Rex, JetBeam and M3. Although UltraFire advertises that the C3 can run on a 3.6 V rechargeable, I could not get an AW 14500 to fit, even after removing the silver label, so I didn't test the C3 with a Lithium Ion nor did I test the Fenix with a rechargeable. On my 50 yard target, both the Rex and JetBeam were very close in brightness to the P1D-CE. The spot of the P1D-CE was brightest, closely followed by the spot of the Rex which was somewhat closely followed by the spot of the JetBeam (on normal mode). Assessing lumens for the Rex and JetBeam, I know these manufacturers claim 130 or 150 lumens max, but the Rex and JetBeam very clearly were not as bright as any of the benchmark lights. It took about 8 minutes for the P1D-CE to get warm, but the JetBeam and Rex both got hot in a couple minutes, particularly the Rex.

"THROW": How the test was structured.
On this test, a difference of 2 or 3 yards is not much, but a 4 or 5 yard difference is clear. I walked off the distance to various bushes, the nearest being 30 yards and the furthest being 80 yards. The following ratings are for the maximum distance that I could clearly distinguish the details of the bush. If you think something should be double checked, let me know and I'll do so. And obviously, longer throw does not necessarily equate to more lumens

Throw Results (maximum distance to clearly distinguish objects)
75 yards: McLux 27LT –S on 2 x RCR123 and DealExtreme U2 copy w/ 18650 and Stryker VG w/2 primary 123's (stock)
................U2 small spot/large corona, 27LT-S larger spot/smallish corona, Stryker very small corona
55 yards: Huntlight FT-01X w/ 18650 and McLux XR-19-C on AW RCR123
52 yards: McLux XR-19-C on primary and D-Mini w/ primary
50 yards: P1D-CE with primary
47 yards: Rex2 w/ 14500
46 yards: Jet Beam MK.IIX on an AW 14500 (normal hi), 53 (advanced hi),
40 yards: Lumapower M3 w/ 14500
37 yards: Rex2 w/ 1 AA alkaline and JetBeam MK.II (not the X) w/ 2 AA alkalines
35 yards: L1D (alkaline, turbo mode)
33 yards: JetBeam MK.IIX on alkalines (mormal hi) and 35 (advanced hi)
30 yards: JetBeam C-LE and UltraFire C3 (both on alkalines)
20 yards: Lumapower on 1 x AA alkaline

JetBeam MK.II vs JetBeam MK.IIX
A brightness comparison of these two showed they are quite close, but the MK.IIX is clearly a bit brighter. Using my 50 meter target, I had to stand two yards closer with the MK.II to get the same illumination as the MK.IIX at 50 yards. The corona on the MK.IIX is a bit brighter, not a huge difference, but clearly noticeable. Tint: The MK.IIX is a beautiful white; by comparison the MK.II is a bit amber. A walk around my neighborhood and an adjacent forrest showed the MK.II to be a better, IMO, a walking light due to the very smooth and more gradual transition from spot to corona. It produced a more even lighting, and clearly had an amber hue by comparison, but this was not objectionable.
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Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

I'd be interested in your comparison of all your AA lights.
Does one shine above the others?
Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

I'd be very interested thanks!

I have the Lumapower and Fenix myself. Had the Jetbeam C-LE for a while too, but no longer.

Oh well, easy come, easy go...
Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

definitely interested!

right now, i'm undecided between the jetbeam mk iix ($55 at dealextreme) and the m3 with turbohead ($100 at batteryjunction). which would you recommend?
Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

kungfufyter said:
definitely interested!

right now, i'm undecided between the jetbeam mk iix ($55 at dealextreme) and the m3 with turbohead ($100 at batteryjunction). which would you recommend?

I would recommend the Dexlight, same as the MKIIx but $10 cheaper.
Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

Gary123 said:
I have most of the popular 1 x AA lights now (Fenix L1D, Lumapower M3, JetBeam MK.IIX, Rexlight2, maybe a few others) and am considering doing a similar comparison between all of these. Any interest?

That would be great! Thanks for the review.
Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

kungfufyter said:
definitely interested!

right now, i'm undecided between the jetbeam mk iix ($55 at dealextreme) and the m3 with turbohead ($100 at batteryjunction). which would you recommend?

M3 vs JetBeam
The M3 and JB are different and your choice depends on your needs. The M3 is the most rugged of the bunch and you are paying for hardware to give you great flexibility with batteries. The UI is so simple its a pleasure: click low click hi click off. On high the bezel can be twisted for roughly a 40% reduction in output (I will double check this - Quickbeam has measured a much larger difference). But this is not a huge difference to the eye. Output levels depend on the battery type used. I prefer to run a rechargeable AA (14500), but the low is not terribly low with a 14500. It is with an alkaline, but then the light isn't very bright on high. It is also large, too large for the front pocket in a typical men's dress pant whereas the other 1 X AA's should fit OK. I don't have the turbo head, but the reflector is the same as in the D-Mini, which has impressive throw, but the D-Mini is a brighter light. I have the D-Mini. The turbo head will certainly add a nice feature to the M3 and I've read that other folks were impressed with the turbo head results. The M3, IMO, doesn't really excell in any category except durability and runtime, and there is something undeniably nice about it in the hand. The Fenix L1D should be another standout in runtime since it uses the latest dimming technology, regulated constant current instead of a resistor or PWM, which will enhance runtimes on lower output levels, and it has a wonderfully simple UI. But for about the price of an M3 and turbo head, one could get a D-Mini and any of the other 1 x AA's and have superior brightness, enhanced portability, and one of the best throwers out there.

The JetBeam and Rex are both very nice. I like that they have done away with the Cree rings and so the beams are smoother, the tints are nice, and rechargeables can be used for a significant step up in output.
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Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

Is there any place to but the Jet Mk IIx at the moment, and have it arrive in a reasonable time? Also, Gary, I don't know if you had the last Jet MkII with the Lux emitter--but if you did, does the output on the IIx really blow it away? Thanks for the review!!!
Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

tomcat017 said:
Is there any place to but the Jet Mk IIx at the moment, and have it arrive in a reasonable time? Also, Gary, I don't know if you had the last Jet MkII with the Lux emitter--but if you did, does the output on the IIx really blow it away? Thanks for the review!!!


I will compare the two JetBeams and report back.
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Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

tomcat017 said:
Is there any place to but the Jet Mk IIx at the moment, and have it arrive in a reasonable time?

There are a couple in B/S/T section.
Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

thanks for the recommendation, nake, and thanks gary 123 for the detailed reply. i have my finger on the trigger right now for the m3 with turbohead and will use it for camping where its durability and runtime will be good. but now that the dexlight has been brought up, i just might have to buy both... and maybe an L1D too eventually :whistle:
Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

On standard AA batteries (i.e. alkaline, NiMH) the L1D-CE is measurably brighter than the MkIIX (and presumably the Dexlight), C-LE, or Luma M3.

My MkIIX and C-LE on max produce the same amount of light, which is roughly intermediate to the L1D-CE Medium and Hi settings. Still waiting on my Rexlight/Dexlight for comparison (at least the latter one has shipped!). But I expect them to match the MkIIx.

Of course, on 14500 the MkIIX just shines ... but not everyone uses those, of course.
Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

selfbuilt said:
On standard AA batteries (i.e. alkaline, NiMH) the L1D-CE is measurably brighter than the MkIIX (and presumably the Dexlight), C-LE, or Luma M3.

My MkIIX and C-LE on max produce the same amount of light, which is roughly intermediate to the L1D-CE Medium and Hi settings. Still waiting on my Rexlight/Dexlight for comparison (at least the latter one has shipped!). But I expect them to match the MkIIx.

Of course, on 14500 the MkIIX just shines ... but not everyone uses those, of course.

Thank you for your input. It made me double check the batteries in my JB and I have been running a 14500. All my comparisons with the JB were while the JB was running a 14500 and I thought there was an alkaline in there. Boy, do I feel stupid. My comparisons are now all redone.

You are right about the L1D, but it is only a small amount brighter than than the JetBeam, when both are on alkallines. L1D may be 15% brighter; to the eye this is a small amount. The Rex is actually brighter than the L1D with both running alkalines, but I will know more when I test for Throw tonight. But with a 14500 in the JB, the JB is maybe 30% brighter than the Fenix. I wouldn't run a 14500 in the Fenix. I know you lose the low mode while running a 14500, but I don't know if the light will suffer long term damage from continued rechargeable use. Doing so with a C-LE has been reported to ruin the light for use with an alkaline.
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Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

tomcat017 said:
Is there any place to but the Jet Mk IIx at the moment, and have it arrive in a reasonable time? Also, Gary, I don't know if you had the last Jet MkII with the Lux emitter--but if you did, does the output on the IIx really blow it away? Thanks for the review!!!

Hope you havn't yet bought the Jet yet based on my incorrect info. If you did and are not happy with it, because of my screw up, I'll buy it from you if you would like. I only offer this to you, not to the leagues of others whom I may have been misled by my prior version of this posting. A detailed comparison of the two JetBeams is now posted above.
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Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

Gary123 said:
I don't know if it is OK to run a 14500 in the Fenix. If you do, you lose the low level stuff while the 14500 is in there, but I don't know if you hurt the light in the long run. I think I read that if you do this to the C-LE it won't work with alkalines anymore.
Fenix hasn't published the voltage specs for the L1D head, so it's not clear if a 14500 is safe (I personally don't wish to experiment on mine ;)). The P1D-CE certainly looses its low modes on a fresh RCR Li-ion, until the charge drops low enough for the current regulation to kick in. The L0D-CE still has its multiple modes, but they are all a lot brighter on Li-ion 10440s.

Jetbeam C-LEs came in two flavours originally - one with a MkII circuit that could supposedly handle 14500s (i.e. had the "hidden" standby mode), and another one that couldn't. However, it quickly surfaced that the even C-LEs that could handle 14500s started experience massive failures after a short period of time. 14500s are not recommend in any C-LE (don't know about the new v1.2, but I doubt it there as well).

If you are going to use 14500s, the MkIIX (and presumably Dexlight) are likely your best choices. For regular batteries, I still recommend sticking with the L1D-CE for the greatest output. But all are great lights.
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Re: Rexlight2 vs JetBeam MK.IIX

Gary123 said:

Hope you havn't yet bought the Jet yet based on my incorrect info. If you did and are not happy with it, because of my screw up, I'll buy it from you if you would like. I only offer this to you, not to the leagues of others whom I may have been misled by my prior version of this posting. A detailed comparison of the two JetBeams is now posted above.

Gary: No worries. I haven't bought anything yet. Besides, I'm sure I'd be happy with the JB even if it wasn't quite as bright; and I'll be running 14500s anyway. But thanks for all your work reviewing!! Right now I'm trying to decide whether to buy the Mk IIx, or save a little $$ and get the Mk II. Both seem satisfactory, and I wouldn't mind that amber tint at all. But those extra few lumens are calling my name. Maybe, in the spirit of CPF, I should just buy both :grin2: .
Re: "Throw" measured for JetBeamMk.IIX, Rex2, M3, McLux's, ...

thanks for the updated post.... this is now one of the threads i subscribe to. great stuff!
Re: "Throw" measured for JetBeamMk.IIX, Rex2, M3, McLux's, ...

The MKIIx on high in normal mode is around 70%. To get 100% you need to be in the advanced mode. The reason for this is it is not recommended to use over 80% brightness on a 14500 for more than 10 minutes at a time because it will get hot. On a 14500 in advanced mode(100%) it is extremely bright.
Re: "Throw" measured for JetBeamMk.IIX, Rex2, M3, McLux's, ...

Steve L said:
The MKIIx on high in normal mode is around 70%. To get 100% you need to be in the advanced mode. The reason for this is it is not recommended to use over 80% brightness on a 14500 for more than 10 minutes at a time because it will get hot. On a 14500 in advanced mode(100%) it is extremely bright.


While I didn't evaluate brightness/lumens for the MK.IIX in advanced mode, I did for my Throw test. My little list above of results came out with 46 yards on hi - normal mode, and 53 on hi - advanced mode. This was a very noticeable difference in the field. I will try to evaluate lumens for hi on advanced mode soon.