About dive into modifying, Where to start?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 28, 2008
Where do I start? I would like to teach myself as much as possible and also learn from some of the gurus here.

I'm about give modifying lights a try. I want to "play" with LEDs regulation and eventually give a go at programming a UI.

What "quality" equipment do I need for the basics?
- millimeter?
- soldering setup?
- power supply?
- other necessities????

I'm assuming that I need to find some good books on circuits and theory...
any books I must read? Tutorials? Good web sites?

My background: (I'm new)

I've done very little with custom electronics in the past, pretty much limited to building computers. It's been pretty much open box, insert into slot (yes I'm still talking about computers).

- I have some knowledge about electronics but need to go back to the basics because it's been a long time since I've worked with hardware. I used to test/fix printers and copiers.
-I've never done any real soldering, only quick dirty job of fixing a mic with a blow torch, solder, and a nail. (it was ugly but fixed it)
-I understand software programming (do it every day) and want to give hardware programming a try after I get a grasp of basic circuits. regulation, etc.

Thanks for any advice.

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A good fine tip soldering iron is a must. A decent pair of cutters and other hand tools. A dremel is useful (but not as usefull as a mini lathe).

A multimeter and a separate current meter is a bonus. I have one is designed to plug into car fuse boxes. Its cheap and small but useful.

An illuminated magnifying glass is also useful.
You might start here - from the sticky in the electronics/batteries forum: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=53985&highlight=CPF+University

Then try some basic mods on some inexpensive lights. Try upgrading an emitter. Then try swapping a driver. Maybe buy one or two of those bare bones P60 drop-in kits from DX/Kai and put together your own pill. Also, there are lots of parts and instruction available for modifying mags. Put an led and driver into a krypton mag.

Minimum, you'll need a soldering iron, solder, arctic alumina epoxy, 18 - 24 gauge wire, basic hand tools like needle nose pliers, wire cutters, perhaps an exacto knive, a dremel always comes in handy if you have it. Some other handy items might include flux , a magnifying glass , de-soldering pump or braid, multi-meter, de-oxit , small hand files/saws/drill bits. You'll accumulate things as you need them. Read all you want, and get an idea of what you should be doing, but jump in and do it. Hands on is the best and fastest way to make mistakes and learn from them.

I think my first mod I upgraded the emitter on a fenix light and it worked. Success made me confident I could get something done. From there I modded some mags with Seoul P4's and drivers. Lots of lights on DX and Kai that are reasonably priced and easy to mod. Recently, I played with a Romisen RC-V4(http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.10454). It comes apart easily, and with Q5 emitter, 1 amp driver, and RCR123 battery you've got a powerful little pocket thrower for under $30.
Good Luck and have fun

Thank you!

I'm going to pick up a soldering iron, solder, de-soldering pump, and multi-meter.

It turns out I have pretty much everything else in my toolbox.

Oh, and I'll need to order some leds, drivers etc.

I've looked at the link " CPF University: EE Course (Lessons)" and it is helpful.

Pretty soon I'll be ready to make some mistakes, fry a led or two, and hopefully get something working the way i intend.