this is for a hamster cage I'm building that will be done up like a dollhouse with miniature furniture and things. I want to make everything as fully functional as possible: windows that open, lights that turn on, etc. this will mostly be done for novelty purposes but the little flashlight (for the utility closet) will actually serve a practical purpose in case the power goes out or they get into any hamster mischief.
that's a very nice roundup HKJ. I need to get the sense of scale correct, even though the hamsters wouldn't actually be using the light (or would they?) it should at least appear possible. I think the 'La Petite Killer' would be appropriate if I remove the keyring. I also want to have another smaller hamster cage within the hamster cage, obviously containing furniture with more limited functionality and no live hamsters, but I should be able to make a simple toy prop flashlight at 1/500 scale and paint the tip with a little GITD paint for that. I might even do an even smaller hamster cage within that cage, but this would just have to be a box with a tiny design painted on to give the illusion that the hamsters own hamsters that own hamsters.