Ace Flex-Light

Flying Turtle

Jan 28, 2003
Apex, NC
Made a trip to Ace today in order to try to use a $5 coupon if you spend $20. Planned to get a couple bags of sunflower seeds for the birds and squirrels, but had to settle with one bag and one light.

Just what we all don't really need, but it was too cute to pass up. A fairly typical flex-light, except this one uses 1 x AAA. It's all metal except where the flex cable joins the body, has a pocket clip, and a nicely knurled tailcap twisty switch with a strong magnet. Should be fairly weather-proof with an o-ring for the tailcap. It's got a smooth beam with just a hint of blue. Even without the coupon I probably would have popped for it. $9.99. Now to find someplace to use it.



P.S. Nice looking 2AAA Nichia penlight there, too, with a better protected LED than the Energizer
Think I found a good use. It looks like it will be my new "read in bed" light. The beam is fairly tight, so it shouldn't disturb my wife, and plenty bright enough at a "book width" distance. I'd estimate about 5 lumens. It reminds me of a CMG/Gerber Sonic with a flex head. Similar finish and about the same output, but a cleaner beam.

I could have used a flex flashlight like that when I serviced old vacuum tube radio equipment. The radios employed point-to-point wiring and it was often necessary to use a light to view the quality of solder joints in confined spaces within the rat's nest of wires.

I used a cheapie plastic incan penlight (a RadioShack freebie), but the bezel would not fit well amid the dense wiring.

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