Ace Hardware LED Flashlights: What do you think of them?

LED Flashlights.

Dec 16, 2007
I own this one.

It's uses 1 AAA battery.

It's made out of aluminum alloy, and has rubber grips, and a keychain attachment.

Close to the real size in pic.


There are O-Rings when you unscrew the ends, but it doesn't say the flashlight is "water resistance" though.

If you have the Mag-Lite 1 AAA Solitaire, for about the price of two you can get this one. The light bulb lasts along time and the brightness is just amazing compared to the Mag-Lite 1 AAA Solitaire.

Amazon has them for about 10 dollars.
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They also make a 4 LED 2 AA Flashlight that looks just like that one but bigger.

I might get that one too.
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Oh', the 1 AAA also has a "magnifying optic lens".

I read it reduced the full strength of the LED.

Is this true? :thinking:

Well, compared to a Mag-Lite 1 AAA Solitaire there is no question it's still better though.
Instead of the 4LED one, I would order something else online(More power).

That looks a lot like the Dorcy AAA, the 4LED one is probably also another light you can find under the Dorcy name(This one?).

The lens won't collect all of the light emitted from the LED but the light that it does collect will be focused into a more spot-like beam that might project further then the LED by itself.

A good light with the current gen LED compared to the 1 AAA light would be like comparing the Solitaire to a 4D maglite(Well, output wise not size wise because most good current gen LED lights are Minimag length).
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Yep, I saw one in Wal-Mart last night. A guy at Tech School has one, and he thinks that it's the brightest LED around...
For $10-20 you'll get alot more flashlight at than you will at Ace. Buy something there with a Cree in it.

The difference in brightness between a Solitare and a Cree LED is something like the difference between a 60 watt bulb in a lamp and the lighting above the pumps at a typical gas station.
I think that is exactly what it is.

I have three of these lying around here somewhere.

Not much light but the battery will last almost forever.

Darcy does sell their flashlights to many hardware store chains. said:
Dorcy International, located in Columbus, Ohio, Rickenbacker foreign trade zone Dorcy is the leading manufacturer and distributor of flashlights and lanterns in the U. S. Dorcy is the fastest growing of the flashlight companies and includes Sears, Kmart, Wal-Mart, and most major retail chains as customers. Dorcy has been in the flashlight business for 35 years and is privately owned.

As far as the light.

It has perfect light to see under the sink.

You can still see in front of you in the dark. Try that with a Mag-Lite 1 AAA Solitaire.

I don't own alot of expensive flashlights so I have to go by what I own. Mainly Mag-Lites. Anyway, I really like the light that comes from the 1 AAA LED flashlight compared to them. Not the LED Mag-Lites of course.
A week ago I was in our local Ace and spotted this Arc AAA clone on the junkish tool table in the middle of the main isle. I think it was $6.99. It's chrome-plated aluminum and the body is smaller in diameter and the head larger, and shorter overall. It's a little brighter than my ancient Arc. I plan on giving it to Peter at SHOT. :D (Not intended as a hijack, just another Ace find.)

yep, bought the dorcy equivalent at walmart about a week ago. the build quality is pretty bad and the beam has a lot of artifacts but it'll probably run a long time. its kinda big for a AAA. its a good backup but i wouldn't edc it...
Just so I can have a guide to go by so I can judge other LED Flashlights.

Can sombody tell me the lumens of my ACE Hardware 1 AAA LED Flashlight?
Thank you.

I hear the magnifying optic lens on it causes the LED to lose alot of it's brightness.

Is that true?
The previous generation of the 1AAA Dorcy was far superior to the current focused lens model. Gen2 put out a wide, unfocused beam which was perfect. Dorcy took a big step backwards when they began selling the Gen3 unit.
The previous generation of the 1AAA Dorcy was far superior to the current focused lens model. Gen2 put out a wide, unfocused beam which was perfect. Dorcy took a big step backwards when they began selling the Gen3 unit.


Even though alot of people say the focus len is a step backwards.

What was the intent of it when they first designed it?

The people who designed it had to have thought is was great.
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The ACE Hardware 1 AAA LED didn't come with instuctions on how to use the 2 way swtich.

So I looked it up.

From a website about Dorcy 1 AAA Flashlights.

Ok, so I know you can twist the head to turn the light on. That was easy, but the other way to turn it on is alittle different. It says you have to press the "button" in the back. I tried that, but it doesn't move. But, when the light is turned off, you hold the head and put it in then it turns on.

Is this what they mean?

To get the flashlight to turn on, turn the tailcap clockwise (tighten) until it lights. Turn it counterclockwise (loosen) around half a turn and it ought to shut off.

To get a shot of light anytime, push the black plastic end of the tailcap, and light should pour out of the other end. Release the button and it should shut off. The light also has a LOTC (Lock Out Tail Cap), which you can activate by unscrewing the tailcap approximately 1 1/4 turns from the "on" position; this helps to keep the light shut off in your backpack, camping gear, or box; helping to prevent unwanted turn-on in such a container so you don't find a dead battery in the light when you go to unpack it.

There's a small loop on the tailcap, so you can hang the light from nails in the wall, or attach it to a lanyard of your choice to hang it around your neck, or hang it from tree branches or tent ceiling apexes.
After doing some more research on this forum.

Could my DORCY ACE Hardware 1 AAA LED Flashlight be a stock DORCY "Gen4" rather then a stock DORCY "Gen3"?

What would be the difference?

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