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Any comparison shots of this and the k30gtvn? I'm liking the size of this also.
Vinh, I think Badtziscool was asking about beam comparisons between the K30GTvn and the K65GTvn.. which of course, don't use the same reflector. I'm guessing you were probably thinking T28vn90 vs K65GTvn, which do have similar reflectors. I think there's a 5-7mm difference between them.
Any comparison shots of this and the k30gtvn? I'm liking the size of this also.
So badtzicool, your best comparison right now would be the beamshot for the T28vn90 here (it won't be exact but it will be really close)
and the K30GTvn beamshot here. As you can see, the T28vn90 and K65GTvn will have much smaller hot spots with way more intensity than the K30GTvn. Those beamshots were on different days, of course but it gives and idea of the beam shape.
Thanks Patriot. Your link to the pics doesn't work but if you're pointing to your post in another thread, then I did see them. That helped a lot.