Just received my L17, and it is really outstanding!
In general, I do not like Acebeams because of the strange UI and switch combinations. Also with the L17: There is no way to memorize turbo. To access turbo, you need to double click an electronic reverse clicky tailcap switch. Then, step down from is controlled based both on temperature and time. Why such complicated? Why not just memorize turbo, access this (probably most used) mode with one click, and step down purely by temperature control?
However, the L17 is such special, that I am really happy with it, and can fully overlook the switch/UI issues.
So what is the secret of the L17? The light is based on a Osram LED, probably CSLPM1.TG "W2", which is known for its high lumen/surface ratio, and the emitter is undomed by factory default, making it a perfect for wide throwing flashlights. Acebeam has combined it with TIR optics. This approach has two benefits over the commonly used reflectors:
- tight beam and wide throw even with a small and light head
- most of the spill is eliminated, focussing nearly all of the light in the hotspot
In fact, the L17 has a bit of a "LEP like" beam, but there is still some spill for basic orientation - but it does not blind you - for example, it does not heavily light up the grass in front of you, like many reflector based throwers do. And, there is no "tint shift" between the zones of the hotspot, like in the LEPs. The L17 spot is just white, pure white.
What you are getting is a super compacty thrower fitting in nearly each pocket, wide reach, reduced spill, and a perfectly nice beam. A very useful flashlight. I would call it a class of it's own.
Acebeam, my gratulations!