Acriche photos... 230V / 3,3W


Jan 1, 2006
Wroclaw - Poland
Santa from UPS came today... :santa:



The era of the home lightning LED's begins... :thumbsup:

They are rated 3,3W @ 230V - so sunglasses on and testing in progress :devil:
Is the emitter similar in size to the current CREE, SSC P4, LuxIII, etc...?

- Chris
I got a Ariche module coming with the postman any day now :)

Really looking forward to look closer to this LED :D
Size... its like BigMac XXL :D

Tiny father Cree XR-E on the left :crackup:

And some testing. It is really bright, it's hard to say but the light output very similar to 2xCree Q4 at 350mA.

Datashet :

And real voltage and current parameters :
229,61 V         19,38 mA         4,4498W
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So how long before someone puts a globe around this and sells it as a straight up replacement bulb?
Filing patents now... :laughing:;) It would make a fine appliance bulb if diffused properly I'm sure, but not bright enough for a regular bulb yet. Clustered for regular bulbs? Heck yes, I'm sure DX/Kaidomain will have them within a few weeks... lol. :popcorn:
They will have to resolve "small" problem three of these leds means 15W to cool down, 4 almost 20W... All in standard bulb size case ("_")
Can the LED be powered like a conventional one if you solder to the right spots?

My guess for the LED chip terminals are about 20-40mA supply at 50-100V.
If you supply DC instead of AC only half of the die will light up.

Are anybody able to measure the chip voltage/current?
Nice pic of very interesting product.
It looks like there are four bigger dies in series and each bigger die consists
3 dies in vertical and 5 dies in horizontal, so total 4x3x5=60dies?

So who has 230V DC power source so we could see which dies lights at positive side of sine way and which lights at negative side.
Or very fast camera and resistored ac.

Does it flicker?

Does anyone know whose dies they are using ? Cree, Lumileds, etc... ?
How many lumens ?
Any idea if they would work with a normal household dimmer upstream? Or do they throw a hissy fit and blow up? No mention on the spec sheet....

PS the spec sheet also mentions needing to run a resistor with the acrcihe. Whats the deal with that?
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I get in touch with our distributor, if you want to get these leds, you can mail :

She is quite helpful and ensured me that there should be no problem with international shipment - they also have USXOH, USYNH stars too :) All branded and bin labelled, not these oem stuff from DX/kai.