Advice for the g/f...


Newly Enlightened
Dec 11, 2007
Ok... I'm a noob here but I've been halfway obsessed with this website for the past week. I'm wating on my fenix l2d-qx5 to get here... and I just bought a cree task force yesterday. She seems to have taken a liking to the flashlight idea, and likes how bright the TF is. HOWEVER, she still seems to be a maglight sackrider. She wants a big maglight so that she can smack someone over the head with it if needed. What are your recommendations for a big maglite? Probably around a 4D cell light. I don't know whats the best as far as bright, the LED mag, or a regular mag with a drop in of some sort. I know it probably won't be as bright as the TF, especially for throw. Also, I know nothing about the magcharger, but I'm goin to study it today, because I like the idea of it being rechargeable. Let me know! Sorry for being a noob!
Welcome to CPF....

Emm, IMO your g/f should opt for a chick light rather than something like a 4D Mag. Something like a SF E2D although small but can give serious damage also, at least its more pocketable than the mag.
Oh no, she made it clear she wants a big one. She is going to keep it in her jeep. (She likes trying to prove she is more manly than me...). I forgot to state a price, I'd like to keep it in or under the $60 area.

Also, I don't know if mags come in dark green... but that would really impress her if it matched her jeep lol
Oh no, she made it clear she wants a big one.
Well, if she wants a big one and you don't have one, just remember that for the most part, bigger lights are more cumbersome and no longer are brighter than smaller ones. Tell her size doesn't matter anymore ;).
Well, if she wants a big one and you don't have one, just remember that for the most part, bigger lights are more cumbersome and no longer are brighter than smaller ones. Tell her size doesn't matter anymore ;).

Oh but I've tried... lol
Lol, thats funny. Maybe a Mag with a Malkoff dropin? That would be bright and decent runtime.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot about your budget, sorry. The malkoff would blow that. Maybe get her a 4 D or C, and a small functional light like a Fenix.
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Lol, thats funny. Maybe a Mag with a Malkoff dropin? That would be bright and decent runtime.

I just looked at the malkoff website, looks great BUT appears you can't get them, and it's just too much. Thanks though!
A 3D Mag with either a Malkoff or Electrolumens drop-in should do the trick. But it ain't gonna happen for under $60. IIRC, the 3D Mag will cost you about $20. The single-emitter Electrolumens drop-in is $50. Single-emitter Malkoff drop-in is $75 (and good luck getting your hands on one), the triple-emitter Electrolumens drop-in is $99. So you're looking at $70 to $120, plus shipping and/or taxes.

Have fun :)

Maglite quotes the MagCharger at 218 lumens, most likely at the bulb. It is almost the exact output of my T-1, except with a little more throw. I prefer the T-1, but if your girlfriend wants a big light then it might be the one for her. It is about the size of a 3D mag.

EDIT: Here it is, straight from Maglite
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Most chicks prefer the big sticks over the smaller ones!!!:poke:

I see you have a size queen your dealing with!

Get her a smaller light with a strike bezel. Chances are if she ever needs to use her flashlight for protection, she won't be walking down the street with her Mag in hand. A smaller light with more output to blind people and a bezel to stab someone with, would fit in the purse better.

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