Hi Folks, has this been discussed here ?
Is this really something new or promising ?
Is this really something new or promising ?
http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/PressReleases/oxlithbattery.htmPrincipal investigator on the project, Professor Peter Bruce of the Chemistry Department at the University of St Andrews, says: "Our target is to get a five to ten fold increase in storage capacity, which is beyond the horizon of current lithium batteries. Our results so far are very encouraging and have far exceeded our expectations." "The key is to use oxygen in the air as a re-agent, rather than carry the necessary chemicals around inside the battery," says Bruce.
The oxygen, which will be drawn in through a surface of the battery exposed to air, reacts within the pores of the carbon to discharge the battery. "Not only is this part of the process free, the carbon component is much cheaper than current technology," says Bruce. He estimates that it will be at least five years before the STAIR cell is commercially available.
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