Aleph 19/MirageMan 18650 body go Tacticool


Aug 23, 2004
sanfran by way of boston
Hey all
First off Mods i'm not sure if this is the right forum so move if ya need to :)

So I recently got myself one of MirageMan's 18650 E series bodies to host my Aleph 19 head, with a GD 888 driver and a Cree somethingoranotherBin.
The light and beam are great, always have been but now run more than the 30 minutes a single Cr123 was giving me. Being a Ti-aholic I wasn't sure i was going to keep the set up but recently found a great use for the light.

It occured to me that the coller of the 18650 tube and the aleph head are both around an inch in OD. So with the help of a Surefire M-10 I've now got my Aleph19/mirageMan 18650 Rail mountable.

here are some pics.


In alligning the Surefire M-10 over the connection point of the aleph head and mirage man coller those two parts are essentially locked together. Twisting the body releases the battery tube for changes.


Light mounted on its new Home


And for fun a Pic of my new Aleph19 "holster" :)


thanks for making these Mirage Man as i really wanted a way to get a Aleph19 beam Profile on my Boom Stick without dropping the cash for an M600 kit only to keep the body. I still havent decided if i'm going to try and find an M600/600a remote switch but for now i'm happy this light has gone to good use instead of taking second place to all my Titanium.

Enjoy Jimmy
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Believe or not there is a good bit of titanium involved inside there too!!! the JAE stock has a welded titanium inside aluminum core. very rugged holster indeed!!!