Alien flashlight beam shot


Jun 10, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I was just messing around, totally didn't "try" to do this, it just happend. I was shining my Streamlight Twin Task 2L into the dome of my aspheric Mag to see what sort of reflection it would produce (the Mag was turned off). When the 2L was held at about a 45 degree angle, shining through the ashperic lens and down into the reflector, this is the light-bounce that hit the wall. The "alien" face is caused by the three LEDs in the 2L (turned off), which make the eyes and mouth, and the incan, which makes the nose. Kind of weird, just thought I would share...

Haha, Very Cool....
So this is how people 'Somehow' find out that they can swallow lightbulbs or squirt milk from their eyes....'I was just messing around and... it just happened... :)':crackup:

That's a terrible case of orange-peel acne he has on his forehead. That wispy beard doesn't suit him either, but someone once told me aliens never shave - that's one of the ways you can spot 'em.
:eek: That looks just like a dream I had, it was McGizmo telling me I must buy every Ti light he brings out...:sweat:
