I finally experienced my very first alkaline leak while in storage.
In a plastic case, with about 20 alkaline batteries of various brands, all brand new. A Rayovac leaked what looks like white wet powder/residue. The surprising thing I notice is that the white residue made it's way through the spaces in-between the other batteries. Almost like it flowed, capillary style. But it did not collect at the bottom of the plastic case. It only coated the side of the other batteries where the side touches other batteries.
When alkaline leaks, does it leak slowly or does it leak all of a sudden, spraying it's contents all over?
In a plastic case, with about 20 alkaline batteries of various brands, all brand new. A Rayovac leaked what looks like white wet powder/residue. The surprising thing I notice is that the white residue made it's way through the spaces in-between the other batteries. Almost like it flowed, capillary style. But it did not collect at the bottom of the plastic case. It only coated the side of the other batteries where the side touches other batteries.
When alkaline leaks, does it leak slowly or does it leak all of a sudden, spraying it's contents all over?