I have realized that my first question was stupid, as I found Cree's homepage and specifications for all there parts. I work with electronics and I'm used to reading datasheets as well, just got a little carried away.
I will try the question one more time, a little more specific:
Are these kits a direct repalcement for the 801 parts, and does they also include a driver? It scould, with that input voltage range, modes and memory function.
Are these modules the same, or do they use different LEDs from the MC-E sseries and different drivers? Is 700lm a bluff?
Should I go for the one from DX? I found a post here with one of the members ddiscribing how he used that in a identical flashlight and seemd to get an amazing result.
What kind of LED and driver can I expect the 300lm Trustfire 801 to have? Is XR-E (q5) the correct? If it is, it makes sense that it produces 300lm at 1200mA according to the datasheet. It is used outside spec, is you point out, but that could possibly be OK if the cooling is good. Life expectancy is't critical either, it won't burn for that many hours.
Is the XP-G R5 the best repacement if I only whant to change the LED? This is specified for max 1500mA, and produces 30% more light with the 350mA. I think I will have a very bright light.
When I read the datasheets to compair the MC-E (M) and the XP-G R5, the output at 1200mA is 389lm for the XP-G R5 and 387lm for the MC-E. That makes them apparently indentical with that drive current. But the MC-E will of cause have the advantage of been able to run more current. Not that I think that is a good idea with my battery, but it is possible to produce maximum light. 700lm should be possible with about 2000mA total current, according to the datasheet.
Looks like I will have to try both and see how they work out. That's part of the fun
Another thing, is it normally possible to adjust the output current from a specific driver circuit, by changing resistors? Or is it fixed?