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Sold/Expired All sold: PocketRocket (sold) and FM Nailbender Flashlight


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 9, 2010
So. Calif.
I have two flashlights for sale:

1) Pocketrocket from fifth build I believe. It's not a warm tint, it's more of a cool tint, BUT I challenge you to find a smoother beam, I withdrew it once because I didn't believe I could get an equally great one, but I'm going to keep the faith that my current one on order will be equally good, plus my new one will have SOS. This one is 3 speeds only. $130 shipped to US. Sorry for the high price, but I like it enough to likely keep it.SOLD, enjoy that gem!

2) I have a FM body that I've put a Nailbender 3 speed LED in it. The Nailbender has artifacts, but it is BRIGHT! The head is a genuine Surefire metal head. Asking $105 on this shipped to US.sold pending international funds transfer

Sorry no batteries included in either flashlight.

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Re: FS: PocketRocket and FM Nailbender Flashlight

Oh man, I have been wanting to try one of those Pocket Rockets.....:thinking:
Re: FS: PocketRocket and FM Nailbender Flashlight

Hello there:wave:! Interested in your FM Light.Would you ship to Germany? Will take the Fees of course!
Re: FS: PocketRocket and FM Nailbender Flashlight

Some of my favorite flashlights get shipped to me from Germany so YES, I can ship there. I will PM you the total for USPS Priority International and let me know if that is agreeable.

Re: FS: PocketRocket and FM Nailbender Flashlight

:paypal::takeit:let me know the total with insurance

pocket - rocket

what battery goes in the fm
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Re: FS: PocketRocket and FM Nailbender Flashlight

The PocketRocket? jv01?

I may have the FM sold, but I used an AW ICR123 and it works great with that!
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Re: FS: PocketRocket (SPF) and FM Nailbender Flashlight

:takeit::paypal:,but have to make a Bank Transfer,so it will need 3 Days or 4 until they send it out...
Hope thats OK...
Always i find something neat PP is on Zero...:ohgeez::shakehead
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Re: FS: PocketRocket (sold) and FM Nailbender Flashlight

That is fine, I'll mark it sold, thank you!


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