alternative to supplied bands?


Jun 5, 2006
was thinking of other materials just in case those supplied need replacing... :ohgeez:

1) would gym bands of certain elasticity cut to size fit the bill?

2) polyester straps?

no glues, cements please. i hope this thread would be useful as a resource thread.

any1? :candle:
oh yah, goggles strap. :thumbsup: ha, thatz a good 1 thanks.

any more alternative?
Fabric store. Get heavest elastic webbing they have in the correct width (usually 1 inch). Usually available in darker colors such as navy and black. Usually not quite as heavy but it works. I find that the elastic in the webbing in most headlamps slowly but very surely loses its elasticity. I don't know why this is. The elastic webbing that I have used as replacements doesn't seem to do this nearly as badly.
i think the floppy skull cap may work too. :) but caps as in headlamp over the cap?

elastic webbing maybe yet another useful replacement. :thumbsup:

thanks for the replies! ;)