Aluminum Foil reflector


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia
Well , when I was doing my MXDL mod , I tried to clean the reflector , cheap so and so's had painted the plastic reflector silver , and it wiped of real easy .

What to do . Then it hit me about 1am , aluminum foil ! :tinfoil:

Beamshot was taken about 2 feet from the ceiling , I could barely get it into frame with the camera , it's got great flood and very little throw , not much that can be done about that , but the aluminum foil sure does help clean up the beam , and get rid of the LED Rings .
The Al foil is probably like a crappy op reflector(textured and not much light is reflected comapred to the roginal coating).

The reflector is not painted, it's a reflective coating that almost all reflectors use. The difference is in the details and the materials used to coat the reflector. Also, as you found out, never touch the reflector, the coating is easy the scratch and break off.

But hey, you got a nice flood light.
I've used Bare Metal Foil before. It's a super-thin adhesive backed foil available in the modelling section of hobby stores.

Works pretty well, and conforms to the contours of the reflector. Still doesn't look perfect, but not noticeable to the untrained eye.
It looks awful but then you look at the beam on the wall and it looks really nice!

Now you have a dedicated flood reflector, not bad, not bad.

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