Flashlight Enthusiast
Well , when I was doing my MXDL mod , I tried to clean the reflector , cheap so and so's had painted the plastic reflector silver , and it wiped of real easy .
What to do . Then it hit me about 1am , aluminum foil ! :tinfoil:

Beamshot was taken about 2 feet from the ceiling , I could barely get it into frame with the camera , it's got great flood and very little throw , not much that can be done about that , but the aluminum foil sure does help clean up the beam , and get rid of the LED Rings .
What to do . Then it hit me about 1am , aluminum foil ! :tinfoil:

Beamshot was taken about 2 feet from the ceiling , I could barely get it into frame with the camera , it's got great flood and very little throw , not much that can be done about that , but the aluminum foil sure does help clean up the beam , and get rid of the LED Rings .