Am I Missing Anything?


May 22, 2005
Detroit, MI
Hey all,

I haven't done much with lights in a while other than use the ones I have until today where I've spent the last couple hours looking at what is out there.

I want to pick up a new light but am not sure what way to go. I absolutely love my Fenix P2D and was thinking about the PD20 as it would give me the clip I have been wanting but the pant destroying knurling I don't want. Also, in looking at that clip, does it just clip to the light? I don't see that being the most secure option if so.

I've looked into the Quarks that seem to be all over these forums and just don't see what they're doing different than anyone else.

I've always been interested in the nitecores but they always seem to be out of stock everywhere.

So, what I'm looking for is something like the P2D but with a clip. My P2D is pretty much my EDC when I'm wearing cargo pants but when I wear my carpenter jeans the flashlight has to clip to the low left pocket and what I do is carry a Surefire E1B for that. I love the E1B but I use a low output light way more than I do bright and therefore like the low to come on first so that's why the E1B doesn't really work for me other than it has the size and clip I want.

So, again, what I'm looking for is something the size of the P2D, can tail stand, has a clip which would carry lens down with the clip at the tail end of the tail end, low can come on first, 1 123 battery 130 plus lumen on the high end.

Am I missing anything or am I stuck with those I listed?

What about the clip on the PD20? I may just go with one of those.

Oh, also, since I'm at it with all of the annoying questions, what's the difference between a nitecore D10 and EX10?

Thanks all
By all means take a look at the LiteFlux LF3XT. Fully programmable for any level or sequence. Can be ordered with or without clip. The high level is in the range of 120-130 lumens. Maybe slightly larger than your P2D. There's pages of info on it somewhere around here.

Ra Clicky! The answer to any question :D
But...i don't know about tailstanding...on the clicky it is not possible.

But on the Novatac 120T it is ;)
+1 on the Ra Clicky. If your Ra Clicky doesn't tail stand when you get it, you can make it tail stand with an easy modification to the switch cover. You can do a quick search to find some good solutions depending on the generation of your Ra Clicky. To fix mine, all I had to do was trim some excess off the edge of the switch cover.

I don't use the clip that came with the Clicky, but rather tied a constrictor knot around the body of the light and a put a suspension clip on the end to hang inside my pocket.
Ive been out of town and got back yesterday and decided to check this thread out. I ordered a nitecore ex10sp before going and it was waiting for me when I got back. So far so good, I have some more comparrisons I want to do tonight but I like it. I think the p2d may be brighter though. We'll see.

I've now done some research on the Ra Clicky and am very interested but will need to save up first.

Now off to search cpf for "ra clicky tailstanding" as this is a big deal for me.
So much for saving up, went ahead and ordered a ra clicky exec with the 170lumen led and smooth bezel. I must say, I'm pretty excited about this light so it will be worth going without food for a couple weeks. :broke:

I'm not sure what the latest clip is that's shipping with them, is it the huge one that looks bigger than the light? Is so, what is a good bezel down option?

Also, I've tried searching without any luck on some side by side comparison pics of the ra next to a nitecore ex10. Does anyone have a pic like this they could post up?
Ok one more question about the ra clicky (I know, sorry). I've read the manual a couple times now which is a little confusing and am left with a question. Is it possible to select any brightness level or strobe from outside of the customization menu? Are you stuck having to have only the four presets?

Please let me know.

I don't know why I keep coming back to these forums, it just costs me money. :thinking::D

thanks for the few suggestions, as stated I have a Ra clicky 170 on the way but after continuing to read on here I'm also interested in the jetbeam RRT -0 and the Liteflux LF3XT. Uggggggg

I can see buying all of these but don't really want to.

Does anyone have all of the ones mentioned in this post as well as a nitecore ex10 and fenix p2d or pd20? Thoughts?

What else am I missing?:crazy: