am I official?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 1, 2008
Flint, michigan
am i officially a flashaholic?

i started posting here back when i was looking for a new light for work (reposessions) i knew nothing about led lights and reflectors and circutry etc etc. back when an 80 lumen dorcy was "bright" lol

and i ended up with a fenix TK11, i was so impressed and i ended up with a PD30 to keep in my car for emergencies. I have since expanded from reposessions and am also doing fugitive recovery as well now and wanted a light with more mass to it, better run time, more useable spill etc etc, something that would work just as good running through someones house as it would running through their backyard

so back in november while at a gun show i stopped by the flashlight outlet booth and while playing with all of their lights i eyeballed a TA30. since i couldnt make up my mind on which light i HAD to buy i went home to sleep on it. and came back first thing the next morning and bought the ta30 and a pressure switch so i could mount the tk11 to my shotgun.

just last week i was killing time online and ran across the other light i was looking at the ITP C6T. and what do you know it was priced at an irresistable 35$ on battery junction. so i had to buy it lol

Ive had it for two days now and decided i dont need 3 lights in the same range so im selling it to one of my partners because i decided to spring for the thrunite catapult.

hopefully this will keep me happy for a while in my never ending search for the perfect work light. because im starting to realize how expensive this stuff can get

20$ used to be alot for a flashlight,
then the 70$ for the fenix was steep
then then 80$ for the ta30 was reasonable
and now 150 plus $40 for more batteries and another charger for all of my lights damn! :sick2:

and im already thinking how much its gonna suck not having the awesome throw of the c6, at least until the cat ships out!!
Just to lead you further down the road to enlightenment..(and a empty wallet).. may I suggest the Fenix TK40?
About $165 shipped from .

Here's a link to the batteries and charger I ordered-should be just fine for you.):
Titanium M8800

Sanyo Eneloop 2000 mAh NiMH AA batteries
2 4-packs of Eneloops for 8 AAs total.

The charger and 8 Eneloop AAs were about $60 shipped total. (The total for the TK40,Titanium M8800 charger,and 8 Sanyo Eneloop AAs comes out to about $225 shipped).
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lol, i almost went with the tk30. for some reason i just prefer the li ion rechargeables (alot of work outside in all climates)

but then i saw the catapult, and in my line of work i need as much throw as i can get so i can spot addresses and dark corners of backyards without waking up everyone in the house
I'd say you are definitely a flashoholic :twothumbs even with a relatively low post-count. Some people catch it quicker than others. With a few more lights, you'll be past the point of no return, lol.
Yes ... you are official ... you may attend the recovering CPF flashaholic withdrawal meetings now.

We DO have a support group .

But it usually fails.
I feel your pain and whole-heartedly welcome you to our club!

I really like your choices so far... but want to remind you about a few upcoming lights that MIGHT be on your hit list:

1. The Maelstrom from 4sevens... It will be an MC-E light that is supposed to pack a LOT of whallop in a very small size... could be spectacular as a backup light

2. The K50 and K90 from Olight: these seem like they will sort of bring on the new generation of hand-cannons in some ways--not to "dis" the Catapult, but I would say that the quality of Olight is more time-tested than that of ThruNite, and this may be a consideration for some mission-critical applications. And, I wonder if the longer development time (and probable higher-price) will mean that these have significant advantages over the Catapult...

3. There is a rumored 2000+ lumen light coming out of 4sevens' camp... not sure if it smoke and mirrors, but I have been chomping at the bit for this light for quite some time... Also could be worth checking out:

All the best in 2010!
I know what you mean, I started out with an 80 lumen dorcy as well, and then found this website back in june. I've been reading on here and the market place literally everyday for a couple hours each day. I now have

2 AA minimags,
3d Mag, stock for now
nitecore d10, magma version
olight m20 warrior, modded neutral by gunga
Surefire G2
Liteflux lf2xt
riverrock 2c
riverrock cree lantern
Surefire e1b in the mail
and neutral quark mini AA on order

I gave my dad a ITP a3 eos and olight i15 also. All in 6 months..This is really expensive and addicting...
Yes ... you are official ... you may attend the recovering CPF flashaholic withdrawal meetings now.

We DO have a support group .

But it usually fails.

Whaddya mean, usually?? It always fails, lol.
I almost spit my drink all over my PC.

To the OP.
By the time you thought you needed to ask if you were a flashaholic... You were already too late to back down...