Amazing flashaholic story


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2007
Southern UK
So, I gave my Dad a stainless steel LD01 for christmas yesterday with a 5D warm white cree in it..... he went for a walk last night, and came back saying how he really liked the colour. Today, he pulled it out his pocket and used it!!! And if getting your dad to EDC a light isn't the perfect christmas gift, I don't know what is :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Anyone else have any awesome christmas experiences with their lights?
Great story Jarl. There is nothing better than being able to do something cool like that for your Dad. Good show!

Now, just point him in the direction of CPF and we may end up with a new member. :D
Have him join and you'll have a dad with a thinner wallet! He'll have only you to thank (or blame);)
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No, did that myself. Opening it= not fun, see here. I love it with a warm tint, but there's no way I'm going through all that again for one for myself, even though I suspect it'll be a lot easier the second time round. I've also got a "buy less lights" strategy due to the aforementioned empty wallet, so now I only buy lights with warm emitters unless they're really really special, LD01 only comes in as "special".

First step on a path to modding greatness... maybe ;)

Few pics:

LD01, L2D, 3D mag

Customary blurred photo (sorry!).... it is possible to get these apart!

Beat up the head a little bit getting it open. Doesn't look so bad in real life.


I found that other distributors are selling Neutral emitter LD01's, but 4sevens doesn't have them listed or available. :confused:

I ran the money conversion through Google, and I don't think $66 for a LD01 plus delayed shipping is worth it. I hope 4-7's gets them soon. :)
Whoa that's a nice find. I hope as well 4Sevens starts carrying these neutral white LD01s :popcorn:
I too gave my dad and bro a flashlight! I introduced them both to a 2D ROP setup with custom parts from Fivemega running eneloops! They thought it was pretty cool and were impressed with the lights I built for them. My dad was actually charging up/ topping off both battery packs I gave him that night... a good sign he liked it! It's fun to introduce others to the world of flashlights!:thumbsup: Thanks for the story
So far I've given a modded KL1 with McR20S reflector and Seoul emitter on either a one or 2 cell body to: Mom, Dad, Brother, Grandparents, and 4-5 friends for Christmas or Birthdays. Hooked my Sister up with a 2nd gen. L1 modded with a Seoul and McR18S reflector.
Its nice to hear all the different stories each time I see one of them and how "I couldn't have done this or that with out it"
The Grandparents enjoy using it each night for walking the dog. Sister uses hers for photo lighting when out and about. Bro & Dad use theirs for working on cars and everything else. Mom uses hers around the house. My other friends use their at work and at home and say they will never go without a flashlight again.
I doing my best to turn everyone around me into flashaholics.
Awesome Job! I'm know I'm not the only one here wishing I had a Warm Tint LD01-SS. That might just have to be a future project for me.
My wife needed a flashlight as she decided to grill Christmas dinner this year, so I handed her my D10 ( after setting it on max ). I had to ask her where it was later, " oh, right here in my pocket" she said. She described it as a perfect little light.

Later when the kids were setting up guitar hero on the new wii, I had to name my rock band. I quickly responded "Flash of Light".

As far as flashlights go, it was a good day.:)
My wife needed a flashlight as she decided to grill Christmas dinner this year, so I handed her my D10 ( after setting it on max ). I had to ask her where it was later, " oh, right here in my pocket" she said. She described it as a perfect little light.

Time to buy your wife a present? Or just give her your D10 and buy yourself a new one.
nice story - I know how hard it can be to get non-flashaholics to appreciate even the best flashlight.

I just lent my ld01 ss to my cousin and she lost it in the snow :ohgeez:(luckily we found it after half an hour...)
Gave family and friends a photon microlight clone two Christmases ago and they all added it to their keychains so they always had a light for finding the right keys, opening doors at night, have a light to use to find their emergency lights or switch on their generators during power failures/typhoons, etc. Now they want brighter flashlights as gifts! :)
I put a Pentagonlight L2 in my wife's car kit along with a few spare batteries.
however, she saw the Fenix P1D-CE on my keychain and "borrowed" it
she said "wow, i like it". liked how bright it was and how sleek it looked esepcially on her keychain. it has come in handy countless times in dark parking lots, or looking for stuff in the trunk, etc...
despite the countless lights that I have, the ones that get the most use are the ones that are small enough to be with you as much as possible so that theyr'e there when you need them.