DQG Fairy story


Newly Enlightened
Feb 23, 2018
Last year, at the beginning of March 2019, we went down to Concord to take delivery of a new Tacoma. In the year, I put over 35K miles on it. That was a good day, yet also a sad day.

At some point, while taking keys out of my pocket, putting keys back in, taking out my wallet, whatever, my favorite EDC light - a brass DQG Fairy, with two tritium vials in the tail - disappeared. My assumption was that it fell out into the snow of the dealership parking lot. I even went back the next day and looked around briefly.

Of course, I ordered a replacement. Now that it's July - well over a year later - the replacement has a attained a decent patina. Here's a picture:


And another:


Yesterday, my son and I were mowing the lawn. While I was backing the mower up into the garage, I happened to look down, and what did I see half-buried in the dirt driveway? The original Fairy I'd thought long lost!

I brought it in, ditched the battery, scraped the terminals inside and the threads, put in a new battery, and look! It works!


It's the one on the left, BTW. Amazing! Sitting in my dirt driveway for well over a year, definitely driven over, with road salt and snow, rain, snow blower, whatever else.

One of the tritium vials also still shines:


Again, it's the one on the left.

I guess it's a testimony to Mr. DQG and that tiny little capsule of brass. Nice work.

And talk about a patina!


Thanks for reading.
I also found a box with a lot of great DQG material: 1 hobi, 2 brass fairy, 3 spy, accessories for them, 4 battery containers PSK/M, 1 AA tiny SS. Thinking about what to do with it.
Last year, at the beginning of March 2019, we went down to Concord to take delivery of a new Tacoma. In the year, I put over 35K miles on it. That was a good day, yet also a sad day.

At some point, while taking keys out of my pocket, putting keys back in, taking out my wallet, whatever, my favorite EDC light - a brass DQG Fairy, with two tritium vials in the tail - disappeared. My assumption was that it fell out into the snow of the dealership parking lot. I even went back the next day and looked around briefly.

Of course, I ordered a replacement. Now that it's July - well over a year later - the replacement has a attained a decent patina. Here's a picture:


And another:


Yesterday, my son and I were mowing the lawn. While I was backing the mower up into the garage, I happened to look down, and what did I see half-buried in the dirt driveway? The original Fairy I'd thought long lost!

I brought it in, ditched the battery, scraped the terminals inside and the threads, put in a new battery, and look! It works!


It's the one on the left, BTW. Amazing! Sitting in my dirt driveway for well over a year, definitely driven over, with road salt and snow, rain, snow blower, whatever else.

One of the tritium vials also still shines:


Again, it's the one on the left.

I guess it's a testimony to Mr. DQG and that tiny little capsule of brass. Nice work.

And talk about a patina!


Thanks for reading.

That's not a patina, that's a hammering. The finish shows its history...
I also found a box with a lot of great DQG material: 1 hobi, 2 brass fairy, 3 spy, accessories for them, 4 battery containers PSK/M, 1 AA tiny SS. Thinking about what to do with it.
I had a DQG Fairy that was my favorite light. When I lost it on the job I was sick. I would love the opportunity to buy one from you if you were willing to sell