AmondoTech N30 problem


Newly Enlightened
Mar 17, 2006
Hello, been a while.
I've had my N30 HID for a couple of years now. The other night I had to use the HID until the power was exhausted. I gave it a complete charge, and when I fired it up, I got a flash of light for only a split second, then a flicker of light for maybe a second, then nothing. The same thing happens every time I turn the lilght on now. The LED light on the N30 works fine. Could the battery be gone? Could there be something wrong with the HID bulb? If either are the problem, can I still get a bulb or battery for the N30?
Thanks, Litemup
It's been a few years since you used the battery, and since it's NiMH it's most likely toast. Luckily you can get a new one at Battery Junction under the Titanium Innovations brand.
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dudemar, I appreciate the reply. The N30 has gotten semi frequent use over the past couple of years - not a lot of use though. Would a dead battery be causing the flash of light for a second and then the second of flickering? I need to be certain the battery is the problem, for money being tight is an issue - can't be wasting the green stuff...
From what you stated in your first post I'm 95% sure it's the battery. I think what's happening is the battery still holds a charge, but just enough for the N30 to emit a brief flash of light. The bulb and ballast are very durable parts and will last a very long time, even with some abuse. Unless you threw your light around they should be fine.

You can always contact CPF member MattK (the guy who runs Battery Junction) and copy a link to this thread to him. I'm sure he'll understand your situation and would be willing to work something out if the battery isn't the issue.

I totally feel for you on the money situation. I haven't made a big light purchase in years (2 years to be exact) because I'm strapped on cash.
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Okee dokee, sounds like an order for a new battery in the near future. Thanks for the help.
You may be able to take the battery pack apart and replace the batterys up grading them at the same time. Sounds like you have nothing to loose.
I suggest testing the voltage of the pack. Put it under some load and see if it can drive some incan bulb to be sure. Might be the ballast too.