Amp important for LED torch?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 3, 2007
I am getting a Fenix L1D-CE and a P1D-CE.

I am wondering if I should get a 3.6v 750mAmp rechargable battery or a 3.7v 2600mAmp rechargable battery?

I don't want to damage anything but do want to make sure I get good brightness and mileage for my torches.

Any suggestions please?

What's the best 123A battery around without blowing the budget?

The amp rating will denote the length of time the batter has enough power to light the light. The Voltage is much more important for a led. It must be as constant as possible. Make sure you dont overvolt your light aswell
Welcome, The Amperage is the capacity of the cell, how much it can hold, and the Voltage is the pressure, the Current delivered is the Flow. Be careful as BionicSniper
has pointed out to much voltage will Cook the Goose as these cells can also deliver hight amounts of current 3.7 volts would be a safe maximun
Really your looking at watts for a regulated led. For most a lower voltage is required since they boost the voltage too high and its a direct drive which could blow the led. The mor ecapacity the better but you always run into size constraints.
Hi Pakto,

I'm not sure if there's a typo in your above post. There are no 123A cells that are 2600mAH capacity. These are only available in 18650 sized cells.

For your new lights the L1D takes AA sized cells and the P1D takes 123a sized cells.

The 750mAH you mentioned sounds about right for a Li Ion RCR123 cell.

For the L1D if you want mileage I would recommend either Lithium Energizer AA's or 1.2V NiMH rechargables. Ofcourse using a Li Ion 14500 cell will give greater output but as they say - "a light that burns twice as bright burns half as long"...

...unless you're comparing Cree to Luxeon - then it's "a light that burns twice as bright and just as long!" :grin2:

For Li Ion cells take a look at AW's thread in the Dealers page.

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