An asperical lens for SR90?


Mar 7, 2007
Does one exist? What size would I need and would/could the reflector come out?

Just came into some money and thinking the Olight is what I'm getting. Really tempted to try the Flydragon but kinda nervous about quality and customer service. Still the lens optins are really calling at me. what to do?
It sounds like you are after throw? There are better lights for the same money or less. Have you thought about an HID or do you want to stay with an LED?
Not really after throw, just some all out LED POWER!!!!!

I like that the Flydragon can use both reflector and aspheric, just kinda worried about their quality and no U.S. dealer representation.
I have both, but if I could only have one, it would be the sr90 hands down, although I have to admit the flydragon (with the aspheric head) is one one of the wicked coolest looking lights I've seen. Looks can be deceiving though. I've had issues with mine and it's currently in pieces on a shelf. The sr90 (so far) has been trouble free. It spots super far, lives up to the advertised runtime and I've been having a blast with it. If there was a decent aspheric option for it (I don't know of any) I'd be pretty interested myself. I know the sr90 is more $$$ than the flydragon, but I'd rather pay a little more for something good than just "alot" for something....not as good, if that makes sense. I'll just leave it at that. Just my opinion, plently of other opinions here on both. Good luck with what ever you do decide to go with.
Not really after throw, just some all out LED POWER!!!!!

I like that the Flydragon can use both reflector and aspheric, just kinda worried about their quality and no U.S. dealer representation.

An aspheric lens would simply give you more throw while wasting lumens. If you don't want more throw then an aspheric lens isn't going to do anything for you.
I have both, but if I could only have one, it would be the sr90 hands down, although I have to admit the flydragon (with the aspheric head) is one one of the wicked coolest looking lights I've seen. Looks can be deceiving though. I've had issues with mine and it's currently in pieces on a shelf. The sr90 (so far) has been trouble free. It spots super far, lives up to the advertised runtime and I've been having a blast with it. If there was a decent aspheric option for it (I don't know of any) I'd be pretty interested myself. I know the sr90 is more $$$ than the flydragon, but I'd rather pay a little more for something good than just "alot" for something....not as good, if that makes sense. I'll just leave it at that. Just my opinion, plently of other opinions here on both. Good luck with what ever you do decide to go with.

First off,Thanks for the reply and thanks for addressing my question.

I don't need throw or even want it. I was looking for WOW. I've got plenty of work lights and a handful of wow lights, just wanted something that would shock the crowd you know.

I think I'll go ahead and pull the trigger on the O. Thanks again.
Sure thing.

I don't need throw or even want it. I was looking for WOW. I've got plenty of work lights and a handful of wow lights, just wanted something that would shock the crowd you know.
Yer gonna get the throw either way with the sr90, but if your only requirements are the WOW factor and and having it be an led light, I don't think you'll be disappointed. :twothumbs

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