An OMG 2AA Dollar General


Newly Enlightened
Aug 5, 2007
This is unbelieveable....was at a dollar general store here is SW Iowa today and while roving the aisles found a 2AA LED light and for $3 was intrigued enough to pick one up thinking it was just a cheap POS I could mess with and throw away....WRONG.

I seem to have stumbled into a 2AA LED for $3 that far exceeds the output of my mini-mag with the standard Magled kit.
To MY eyes the output is at least twice that of my 'wonderful' mini-mag led with a nice tight throw and lots of sidespill, the color is a bit on the blue/purple side but I've seen worse.
The new light has 3 leds in a combined plastic reflector setup, plastic optic and light aluminum body with a wide antiroll head (well it has a flat antiroll plastic thingy) , side clicky on-off and a wrist lanyard (tho it's pretty fragile).
The light is a 'SureLight' by Westinghouse.
Not sure what kind of LEDs but as I said, it is WAY brighter than the 3 LEDs of my minimag kit.
Gonna go back and buy them out tomorrow for kid's gifts, glove box lights and throwaways....for 3 bucks this is an unbelieveable bargain.
Any interest and I'll try and post some pics tho my digicam is questionable and I've not posted pics on here before.
Don't get me wrong....this thing will be beaten badly by any of the 'new generation' LEDs but for $3 you can get something that beats the minimag LED conversion.
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Can we get a few photos of the flashlight, plus some beam shots at 75, 100, 150, and 200 yards? Also, does it have three modes, or 16? For three bucks, I'd also expect it to have an HA-III finish. Oh, finally, does it come in gray and black? Oh, and how about a lanyard?

Thanks! :twothumbs
unbelievable! i saw these lights two days ago but resisted buying figuring they would be junk. i guess three bucks isnt much of a risk. thanks for the info! new campground lights for the kids coming soon!

Can we get a few photos of the flashlight, plus some beam shots at 75, 100, 150, and 200 yards? Also, does it have three modes, or 16? For three bucks, I'd also expect it to have an HA-III finish. Oh, finally, does it come in gray and black? Oh, and how about a lanyard?

Thanks! :twothumbs
Pics as soon as I can figure out how to get em uploaded to image host and then posted....I expect later tonight (sunday) or early tomorrow
Ok as promised...the "pictures". Sorry in advance for the I said my digicam is an old POS. :D

Side by side with a 2aa minimag

The business end of it

and the worst beamshot ever....dark room ~4 feet

ok something went wrong...but the images are still clickable and viewable (well for MY horrible camera anyhow)
Mods or anyone feel free to correct the 1st pic post 1st pic post :D
That funky looking beamshot is not some artifact it was taken against a garage ceiling which is 'painted' with 2 diff colors and the minimag wouldnt even show.
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hmm interesting, thats a big light for 3 dollars
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Kind of an odd light, but for 3 bucks it doesn't look bad at all. Probably better than buying one of those cheap lights that has a cluster of 8/9 5mm LEDs and uses 3 AAA's, although larger. Thanks for posting the pics.
My local 99 Cents Only store actually has self charging generator lights for $.99! They're powered and charged by squeezing a handle that pops out on the side. They're about the same size as the winding type lights and have two 5mm LEDs which are each behind their own large optic (the optics, each, look to be about 16mm across). They're decently bright, too, for what they are and for what they cost.
I have one of these $3 GE lights. On mine 1 of the 3 beams didn't coincide with the others. After putting a piece of printer paper under the window to make it a pure soft floody light I loved it. It's very easy because the bezel unscrews and the light engine is on a bayonet type mount inside the bezel.
Unfortunately the switch must have a bit of trash in it. It will fail, then recover, then fail for a longer number of clicks. At the moment it's sitting on the shelf with no batteries since the switch, which I think would be difficult to remove, works once in 100 clicks now.
I have debated getting another one but haven't yet.
It's actually a very usable light except for the typical quality issues I've run into with such a cheap light. I listed it in my "Most Embarrasing Flashlights" response. It wouldn't be there if the switch worked though!
I actually took this out and compared it to my Sportsman Extreme (nuwai) 3watt 2AA last night and guess anything up to 25 feet it isnt completely outclassed...unreal for a $3 light to perform like this.
I expect the switch may be a problem but for 3 bucks who cares.
I'm also wondering if it would be a neat idea to buy 2 or 3 of these and take out the light engines and mod them into a cheapo 2 or 3 D body, I expect you'd get a lot of light for very little $$$ and trouble.

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