LED replacements for 9006, 9007, etc. are not intended for headlight replacements but rather DTRLs and fog lights. The sites that sell these usually state this. The newest versions have 1/2 watt LEDs, which are as "bright" as the halogens they replace BUT it's mostly unfocused glare. I currently use them (V-LEDS.com) in my fog lights to match the COLOR of the HIDs. They look bright when you're facing them, but the light is mostly stray, making it appear bright, but doesn't increase the amount of usable light on the ground.LED lamps that are made to fit into optics designed for halogen will never perform as well as halogen. Halogen optics are designed to reflect and direct light from a single, omni-directional point (the filament). A single LED has a narrow, uni-directional beam. In order to mimic omni-directional light output, these manufacturers (V-LEDS included) make a cylinder mount and wrap it in LEDs. It's not the same but the best you can do with optics designed for a different type of light source.The other issue is heat. Halogen technology is based on making light from heat. LEDs are just the opposite, and emit less light as the heat increases (and "heat" is relative to the technologies; where halogen heat production can burn you if you touch it, LEDs need only to get warm to slash it's light output). So without proper heat dissipation (in other words, heat sinks, which, by design, halogen assemblies don't have), LEDs can't output a consistent amount of light anyway.Bottom line, without proper heat management and optics designed for LEDs, aftermarket LED bulbs can't produce a bright, safe, consistent, and usable light pattern by retrofitting them into halogen optics.All this said, I use LEDs in my fog lights and parking lights in order to color match my HIDs. This is something that blue-tinted incandescent and halogen bulbs can't compete with, since LEDs can reproduce any visible light color temp + infrared.Patrick