And the two most used lights are...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 18, 2005
Got phone service back, and I charged up the laptop in the car today. Now am sitting writing a bit by the light thrown by my Brinkman headlamp. Had a tree come down in the storm Monday night and it hit right where the electical and phone services come into the house.

I have found that the two lights I have used the most the past two days with no electricity have been my headlamp and my Inova X5 which I used most often sitting in a glass lighting the room a bit (just because of its long runtime) followed very closely by my Inova AAA Bolt which slips into a pocket very nicely. I did use the X03 and my Ultrafire C3 cree when outside at night most often.
I hope everything is going as well as can be expected under the circumstances, and that you get your services restored soon. It's good that you have lights that are up to the task. X5's are a great light for this situation.
All good lights. Hope that you get your power back soon. That's gotta be pretty inconvenient and I'm thankful that I'm not having to do that.

Take care.
I have been out of power&phone since Friday morning and both came back on this morning (Thursday). There were some surprises for me in the "most uised category" for lights.

The Fenix T1 and Streamlight 4aaa polys were used alot because they tailstand. I used my A2 some, but used the G2L a fair amount because the yellow color was easy to find when I put it down and then had to find it again. The Rayovac headlamps were frequently used for reading and for those times when we needed two hands for work tasks.

Most used light was from my tool box -- a 14.4 volt Makita flourscent work light. It stands on end, puts out a lot of light for work in the dark and I had a couple of spare batterys charged before power went out, so it provided alot of light in a variety of situations.

Next time I will have more lights similar in function to the Makita.


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