Another Great Flashlight Story


Dec 31, 2006
Last year a friend of mine needed a flashlight so I loaned him my Fenix LD2Ce.
He was so blown away by it that I gave it to him as a Christmas present.

A year later this same friend recently decided to go on a Church mission trip to Kenya. They stayed in thatch huts 1000 yards away from the wildlife preserve some where near Tanzania. This land is occupied by the very primitive Mariah tribe. These guys only carry homemade spears and knives for protection. The first day there my friend witnessed a lion kill and eat a zebra. There are no fences between you and the animals there and the only protection you have is from the native tribesman.

At night my friend could not sleep so he stayed up with the tribesman and sat around the campfire. Some of the Mariah could speak some broken English. They told tales about what it means to become a man in their culture. There were many difficult task a boy must complete but the final thing one must do is to single-handedly kill a lion with a spear or a knife. On the first night by the campfire my friend whipped out his Fenix and they were simply amazed. They had never seen anything like it. My friend became the Great White Flashlight God. They all wanted to borrow it and play with it. The strobe function really freaked them out.

Finally on the next to the last night there one of the warriors approached my friend and wanted to purchase the light. The warrior had no money but offered up the only thing of value besides food that he had which was a lions tooth necklace from the lion he killed when he became a man. At first my friend did not want to take the tooth but the others said the warrior would be offended if he did not trade.

My friend showed me the necklace and told me the story last night. The tooth is huge about four inches long. I thought you guys would get a kick out of this story. I have since bought my friend another Fenix to replace the one he bartered.

2 things popped into my mind: Gods Must Be Crazy and what happens when the battery juice runs out? :eek:oo:
Nice story. Hopefully the tribesman has a supply of AA batteries :candle:

Interesting to hear about other cultures. Sounds like they have a set of challenges the boy must face to help him be prepared for adulthood. I guess in modern societies these would be learning to drive, drinking alcohol for the first time, shooting a firearm, learning to swim, etc. I think we're just less structured about it. I'd like to see a highschool have a lion fighting class ;)
lol thats an awsome story.

I wonder what he will do oncethe juice runs out...maybe we can send them a solar charger along with some eneloops....
Great story. That was also my first thought was batteries. To bad you didn't have a 10-20 primaries of whatever it took to give him as well. Did you explain the power source to him or will he just think the 'magic' went out of it when it fails to light. :devil:
Pics are coming! I am supposed to have lunch with my friend on Friday. I will bring my camera.

Great story. Although it's easy to say that rural tribesmen the sub Saharan would be amazed by the output of an L2D Cree -- even people here in the "first" world are often blown away by the output of a "real" flashlight so I'm not really surprised. My new P2D Q5 usually blows away most non-flashlight folks.

This also reenforces why I think the TK40 is great. With a solar charger, you could actually have the high-output of a TK40 in an area where there is no electricity. I seriously doubt you could recharge three 18650's easily on solar -- or at least, not something portable.
That was interesting. First story of it's kind!

However, I hear all the time of remote people getting new technology.. wtf.

Just like the tribesman in the story, how in the world do they plan on having the light still work after about 1 hour of showing it off to yourself?

When the battery runs out, that tribesman is going to come looking for his tooth back. Probably not the only thing he would want to take :poof:
If they don't have batteries then they won't understand the concept and probably just think that the light god has left or something... :shrug::thinking:
Certainly a unique flashlight story for CPF.

Thank you for sharing this with us. :thumbsup:

-- Yes, my first thought was also about replacement batteries.

-- i have a Fenix L2D-CE (with the original, "lowly" P4 emitter),
and totally everyone who sees it in action (in the dark) is Awestruck !
I'm talking well-informed, educated people. So it's indeed widespread. ;)

-- finally, this part of yer' posting somehow caught my eye: :)

On the first night by the campfire my friend whipped out his Fenix
and they were simply amazed.

They had never seen anything like it.
My friend became the Great White Flashlight God.
