Another Symptom Of Flashaholism: Flashlight Spreadsheets


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 8, 2007
Los Angeles
I find myself laying out various parts, accessories, configurations and future buys in spreadsheets these days.
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Might be OCD more than anything :laughing:
Been there, done that.

It's bad enough when you do it just to consider all the possibilities. What's worse is when you need to do it to keep track of what mods you have actually installed in which lights (LED bins, drivers, etc).
I've gotten pretty religious about maintaining a spreadsheet with the specs of the lights I own. Digging up info on stock/over-the-counter lights is pretty easy, but details of custom and modded lights is another story (especially with CPFers' tendencies to edit their sales threads :rant:).
I track my batteries, which lights they are in, how many times they have been recharged etc...

And yes, I have sheets for budget, expenditure, inventory and all that too... no worries, you are among friends.. haha :D
The only spreadsheet I use is my checkbook. I spread it open and deduct the paypal amounts from my transaction register. There has been lot of deducting lately! :laughing:
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You aren't considered sick until you put them in a database and keep a number of saved queries. Not completely infected yet but...
I often create various tracking tools, and not necessarily limited to spreadsheets.
I created a spreadsheet as an auto service log, and another to keep track of my homebuilt aircraft items and expenses, and one to keep track of all the electrical components for when I do restorations on my old audio equipment.

I also use a database (MSAccess) for other tracking purposes such as maintaining hobby club membership info.

And then I use CAD a lot to document a lot of my projects.

But keeping track of my flashlights with a spreadsheet?... naah, I never even thought of doing that. I don't have enough flashlights for that.

I guess I need more flashlights. :naughty:
I keep a spreadsheet with details of all my lights in, mainly due to the amount of money involved :duh2:

I keep one to track certain lego combinations and more importantly rechargeable combinations that do (or dont) work/are safe for my lights.
I guess I just don't have enough lights to keep track of. It's quite simple for me to remember what each light has/can use with the amount of lights I have

On March 3rd of 1983, bought one o' them fancy new IBM personal computers.

(btw, it was $$$$$ !)

Got me a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet program to run on it.

Didn't know HOW to use a spreadsheet, so i "learned" by creating one,

which detailed the various PR-based incand. flashlight bulbs. :whistle:

Various specs like design voltage, current, MScp (brightness), rated-runtime, etc.

That was in 1983, folks !

A quarter-century ago ! :wave:

Do i win the CPF prize in this category ?

I keep a list, not spreadsheet, of lights I want, and purchases I've made.
That's about it for me. Every once in awhile I have to go looking for a certain battery because I forget which light it's in but beyond that I can do all the other tracking mentally. I doubt I'll be able to once I pass around 200 lights, but I'm not there yet. Not exactly sure how many I have and I make a not of it never to try and count.
How about building a spreadsheet to compare, rate, rank not only the light you own but ones you are considering purchasing.

I have a running sheet that compiles info on output, runtime and specs. From this info I calculate stuff like: runtime per charge, runtime per cell, lumens-hours per cell, subjective critera like "coolness", "fun factor"...

When a new light comes out, I rank it with my 'system', if it fills a gap or extends into new territory, I generally buy one. Yes, I have it bad....
heres another symtom im suffering from..

in instant messengers (like MSN, etc) you start looking for

and realise that msn only has so many, so you save all the cpf simleys for custom use...


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