Any comments on Delkin 2300mah LSD batts?


Nov 12, 2007
Thomas Distributing seems to be promoting these in their latest special...

Anyone have any experience with these, and how they compare to Eneloops, and other LSD contenders?

I already bought some Eneloops in the mult-pack at Costco, and am considering trying out the Imedion's as well, but these Delkin's seem interesting, but never heard of them before.
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It takes time for someone to obtain and test new batteries before giving a qualified judgement on them. A self discharge test will take 6 months to complete, and ability to maintain performance over several charge/discharge cycles also several months.

So with newly introduced batteries there is nothing to be said about them except guesswork and educated hunches.
Awww, Mr H, some of you guys could come up with a preliminary evaluation in 3 months, no? :)

Seriously, it does take a while, particularly with LSD cells, just because of their nature. This really applies to some extent, to anything. How many lights, for example, have you seen that were "The greatest thing since sliced bread", only to hear of their pitfalls a few months later?
