Any cops here from the Chicago area?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2007
The reason I'm asking for cops is that someone in another forum said it was a really bad area and he wouldn't go in there without big guns...anyway, here goes..

Here's the problem (stay with me guys as I tend to do have long explanations). I have found myself a what I believe a very good and honest custom computer builder. I'm impressed with this guy, the way he talks and the fact that he's constantly looking to try to save me money by suggesting different configurations. Bottom line, he will do anything I want with NO limitations unlike the others that I've used before. Also, I checked his credentials and his customers (all 8 that I asked) have nothing but superlatives to say about him. Also from what I understand, he has great tech support.
Now, he is a small builder and cannot afford to lose money on someone scamming him so when I talked to him a few moments ago (yes, he's up this late :) about my computer and asked him how's he doing, I got concerned when he told me not well and I was told how he just got scammed out of a $4200 computer by some a*shole in Chicago.
What I'm asking here is if someone in Chicago wouldn't mind driving out to the address he sent the puter to and take a picture so I can see what it looks like. Ie, if it's an empty lot then UPS shouldn't have delivered and so on.
I told him to contact Chicago police because after all, IF someone at that address received a package, even if it wasn't for them, then if the cops knock on the door and say, hey, WHO received this package, they might actually give out that info. If the cops came to my door and I received a package FOR someone, trust me, i'd give this info out in a heartbeat.
By the way, the reason for my intro is that I hate for small hard working businesses/people to get scammed. More so than I would if a bigger company got scammed.
Anyway, the address is
6442 S Ingleside
Chicago, IL 60637

He's crosschecked the phone and address and they all come back with different names and since I'm not sure if I'm breaking laws doing that, I'll just post the address for now.
Thanks for any help and by the way, if someone wants a customer computer (any price), feel free to e mail Jeff at (I'm going to split the e mail up to hopefully foil bots looking for e mail addresses) ... JANTEBY @ aol . com
Thanks for any help and if you know any cops in Chicago, please let me know and I'll pass on Jeff's info to them or you can pass on their name to me and I'll give it to Jeff.
By the way, he's building a $4500 for me which I hope to have ready in a couple of weeks.
Been CPD for 10 years now, no need to drive out to the address for a pic, I've worked that area, its a crime-infested sh@t-hole, average a couple of shootings every few days over there. Good luck.

P.S. as far as people telling the truth when the Police knock on the door, dont be so naive-pretty much 9 out of 10 people in those areas lie to us, even if one of their family members gets shot, they rarely tell us the truth even though they know most of the times who did the shooting.
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Hmmm, this should be posted to the Cafe sub-forum.

I may be going by downtown Chicago this weekend for the Taste of Chicago. If so I'll try to track down the address and see if it's a legit address. I'll save the address into my GPS for reference.
Try looking up the address VIA Google Earth. You will get a complete aerial view of the house.


Hmmm, this should be posted to the Cafe sub-forum.

I may be going by downtown Chicago this weekend for the Taste of Chicago. If so I'll try to track down the address and see if it's a legit address. I'll save the address into my GPS for reference.

Guys, someone else suggested the google thing and I looked it up and yes, it is a house so no need to drive out and take a picture. Thanks for offering.

Here's a question, what is it going to take to get a cop or cops out there and ask to see the package? After all, if it was received to their address, where did it go? It must have been pretty big.

If they don't have it, then they of course must know where it went since they signed for it. UPS guy would probably remember who signed.

What are the chances to get that done boss (for the officer in here)?


Dude, you weren't kidding about the microsoft maps being better. Holy poop what a difference.
Just curious - why are You doing all this legwork/investigating? Is your builder doing anything about it or has he done anything about it? How did he get "scammed"? I hope he wasn't foolish enough to send $4200 dollars worth of Anything somewhere without getting paid for it first (or sending $4200 to a stranger for goods)! I would also hope that he would have arranged for some kind of "secured"/insured delivery if he was sending $4200 worth of goods... ??? Are you 100% sure that he really got "scammed"?
What a strange thread! Why not order the PC parts and build it yourself? It's not exactly rocket science...
Well, you can't be sure of anything but the guy seems sincere enough and of course, who knows.

I'm just trying to help. I hate people taking advantage of others, especially small business and private people so to speak. I've also lost quite a bit of money. Just a few months ago, I helped some people and they thanked me by screwing me out of the $5k I helped them with :(

As for building the computer, to me it IS rocket science. There are things I'm good at and that is NOT one of them.