Any drop-in LED upgrades for Dinotte 5W?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 20, 2009

So I may have been cheated into buying what I thought were two brand new Dinotte 200L lights that I later discovered are probably the older 5W or 3W lights. The Craigslist guy claimed to not know they were the older ones since he only bought them last December but comparison with my real 200L light demonstrated that his lights are certainly no 200L. Unfortunately, I couldn't test them at transaction time (the Li-ion batteries weren't charged and I didn't have my 200L handy for comparison) so the cash is with the guy already.

Regardless, since I see that my deal with the Craigslist guy may not improve, I am looking to see what I can do to salvage my situation. I thought about upgrading the lights themselves to current specs in case I get stuck with them. I understand that the Dinotte 3W and 5W use the Luxeon III and V LEDs (respectively), and that the SSC P4 may be a drop-in upgrade. Is this true? What other emitters should I consider? What other modifications are needed to use any new emitter such as the SSC P4? I'm hoping the driver circuitry does not need any modification.

There is a previous thread in which a poster described an upgrade with an MC-E, but it appears that the Dinotte mounting PCB is fairly unique. If the SSC P4 fits, shall I attempt to desolder the old LED and solder on a bare SSC P4 emitter on the Dinotte PCB? I'm OK with a soldering iron but nothing too fancy please.

Any other suggestions? And yes, I do intend to pursue my options with this guy.


Newly Enlightened
Jun 10, 2008
I think the basic answer is no, there are no drop in replacements for the star that is in the Dinotte 5W. The board that the emitter is mounted on is uncommon (and kind of clever, I think).

You could try just getting an MC-E emitter, and desolder the old emitter from the existing boards and soldering in the MC-E 2p2s.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 20, 2009
If you don't do the mod yourself, you can try contacting DiNotte, I seem to remember that they had an upgrade path on their web. Myself and everyone I've talked to has been happy with their customer service.

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