I've been working on my own firearms for years, now I've decided to take it further. I've also been working at the same job for over 13 years... and I'm getting tired of making other people rich, while I have no room for improvement. It's not a bad job, and I've learned a lot while working there. It's just that I don't really have a future there:scowl: I can't just quit... especially in this economy
... but I need to do something to try to make my life better, and prepare for retirement in the future.
So... I just signed up for a professional gunsmithing course. The course also covers welding and machining. I'm hoping as long as I put in the work I'll have the chance to learn some new skills and hopefully in the future be able to work for myself instead of working for others. The old addage "If you're doing something you love, it's not really work" definately applies here for me. I love working with my hands, and firearms should be a lot more fun than adhesive dispensing equipment
Just to add a flashlight reference... to go along with the machining course, I'll be recieving a small metal turning lathe
So along with machining gun parts I should be able to start turning heatsinks, bodies and a lot of other flashlight related parts of my own
The question in the title still stands... any other gunsmiths here? Any thoughts, words of wisdom, ect....
So... I just signed up for a professional gunsmithing course. The course also covers welding and machining. I'm hoping as long as I put in the work I'll have the chance to learn some new skills and hopefully in the future be able to work for myself instead of working for others. The old addage "If you're doing something you love, it's not really work" definately applies here for me. I love working with my hands, and firearms should be a lot more fun than adhesive dispensing equipment
Just to add a flashlight reference... to go along with the machining course, I'll be recieving a small metal turning lathe

The question in the title still stands... any other gunsmiths here? Any thoughts, words of wisdom, ect....