I'm looking for a high-power headlamp (over 100 CP), with good durability and extended runtime. The use is a mixture of "standard" camping/backcountry use with professional natural history research. One feature that I would like to have is a more modern battery system than a bunch of AA cells. Rechargeables are a must, and I far prefer Lithium Ion rechargeable technology to AA (although I have yet to try Eneloops) - my two objections to AAs are their high self discharge and the fact that there are a lot of small, separate batteries to keep track of. The Petzl Ultra uses a very high capacity LiIon pack system adapted from digital SLR packs (or both are adapted from the same place - that battery looks just like a Nikon D3 series battery with different contacts). Is there anything less expensive than the Ultra that uses a single LiIon pack battery? RCR123s seem a bit underdeveloped (both in terms of capacity and safety/ease of use) for my purposes. If not, I'll have to choose between the Ultra and something (Apex? Myo RXP?) that is a lot cheaper, but uses AAs and a bunch of Eneloops...