Any idea on Surefire L4 availability ?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 11, 2007
Paris, France
Hi everybody,
I ordered a Surefire L4 but it is still in backorder. Any idea about its availability ? Thanks !!!
Hi Size15's,
Thanks for your welcome !
I ordered from a Dutch dealer (I live in France) and the L4 was supposed to be shipped in one to 10 days. The Dealer says to be waiting for the availability from the supplier but doesn't give a deadline ...
Thanks again and have a great day!
Size15's said:
American SureFire Dealers are not allowed to sell SureFire products to international customers.
Lighthound will ship them even to Mars! I can name you at least five U.S dealers that will do the same. Besides that, what's up the nonsense restriction anyway? SureFire is a business not a philanthropic org.
Thanks for the advice, Outdoors Fanatic, but Size15's is right : I check different US dealers on the web and they don't ship Surefire products for internationnal orders (I don't know why?) but European dealers do. I'm waiting for the L4 with impatience ... :)
If they are genuine SureFire Dealers they are breaking their contact with SureFire by selling to International customers. I suspect genuine SureFire Dealers would not want SureFire to find out they are selling to international customers.

SureFire's approach is to support its International Distributers and Dealers around the world by not allowing Amercian Dealers (or SureFire itself) to undercut. It costs to import American products and maintain a stocking store front - these costs mean that International Dealers can not usually compete with American Dealers or even at the advertised prices. Note that SureFire Dealers must advertise the products at at-least the prices SureFire set.
My local dealers have prices that are an offense. I really give a sh*t if they stock surefires or not.
Surefires are already expensive at US msrp price, so either i buy them for msrp or not at all.

Maybe surefire should support their foreign dealers by charging less, instead of pissing of their foreign customers.
SureFire can and do whatever they please.
Have you considered buying from Hong Kong or Korea? That's where I look for good prices outside the USA.
I buy online from the US from some specific dealer - as long as they deliver outside the US, no problem. The problem i have is beeing customer second class for surefire.

Why do european online retailers have to charge $500 for a kroma, while a US brick&mortar store (with all the associated costs) can survive while charging only $300? I suspect US dealers get better prices than foreign dealers.
cbubu said:
Hi everybody,
I ordered a Surefire L4 but it is still in backorder. Any idea about its availability ? Thanks !!!

I was told by my dealer that is in California, that they are on a 2-3 month backorder for her.
Hi cbubu,

I'm from the Netherlands and purchased a L4 a few months ago from Lighthound.

Excellent service! Much cheaper than European dealers and it only took 5 days to arrive!

I hope you don't have to wait too long but you'd better do some research on CPF about where to order from next time (sorry I said that).
FWIW OpticsHQ shows some L4's in their inventory. They shipped me one a week or so ago. Check their ad in the dealer section. With the "membership" and CPF discount it might be worth cancelling your current order IF OpticsHQ ships internationally.
