4D 43 hours
I put a vote in for the 4D Mag LED. It is not the brightest drop-in, but you have 40 hours of very useful light. The module drops output as it heats up so after 10 minutes it runs just above 50%. Once it hits 50% the output does not move for the majority of the run-time, so it is almost as if the Mag is regulated.
How many lumes is the 4D putting out?
A Fenix on low at 11 lumes(which is enough) lasts 55 hours according to the specs. Running at that level D batteries should get a lot more burn time, yes?
Lightwave 4000
Check this out. Look at the runtime graph of the 4D.
The truth here. I have an old 3D with a NI drop-in that we used during a power outage - was plenty of light to navigate around the room and no worries about the batteries giving out in the middle of the night.If you want low level, stick a NiteIze PR dropin and it will run for over 4.5 DAYS.