Went to Home Depot for some paint and a spark plug wrench. The only socket they had for spark plugs in my size was 1/2" drive. Well, all of my 1/2" stuff it at my son's house so I figured cheap 1/2" ratchet too. The cheap one was $32. So a $6 socket and $32 ratchet later…… then I started looking for a small tool box for use as a seat. The Millwalkee was $89. Now this was potentially getting expensive fast.
The Mrs Fixer saw a Husky display with 230 tools in a box one can set on for $99. Sold!!
And we ended up buying one of those round 5 gallon coolers as a seat for $15. The tool kit contains a lot of your basic size sockets and allen keys but also a bunch you don't normally see in those "kits" these days. Now I have several sockets with x/32 like 13/32 and 0.5mm like 5.5mm just like my dad had a long time ago plus all kinds of nut driver torx wrenches etc. It's a nice tool kit for $99.