Any of you all love tools?


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
Ps im sorry if i slip out of my box every few months . if im not allowed to do so. Ill stop . so do any of u all love tools? This time of year is great becuase both lowes and homedepot put there cordless tools on sale . both hacve great tools but kobalt has brushless tools on sale
Ps im sorry if i slip out of my box every few months . if im not allowed to do so. Ill stop . so do any of u all love tools? This time of year is great becuase both lowes and homedepot put there cordless tools on sale . both hacve great tools but kobalt has brushless tools on sale
After decades, I got bored of human tools. I find cow tools more exciting.
Yeah Raggie, I like tools, and don't hesitate to get one when I need it. I also buy them... just in case :)

Both stores typically run sales during the big holidays, and the savings can be significant. I try to buy the "just in case" tools during the holiday sales, even if I have to wait a couple of months. It's a killer to have to wait :rolleyes:
Went to Home Depot for some paint and a spark plug wrench. The only socket they had for spark plugs in my size was 1/2" drive. Well, all of my 1/2" stuff it at my son's house so I figured cheap 1/2" ratchet too. The cheap one was $32. So a $6 socket and $32 ratchet later…… then I started looking for a small tool box for use as a seat. The Millwalkee was $89. Now this was potentially getting expensive fast.
The Mrs Fixer saw a Husky display with 230 tools in a box one can set on for $99. Sold!!

And we ended up buying one of those round 5 gallon coolers as a seat for $15. The tool kit contains a lot of your basic size sockets and allen keys but also a bunch you don't normally see in those "kits" these days. Now I have several sockets with x/32 like 13/32 and 0.5mm like 5.5mm just like my dad had a long time ago plus all kinds of nut driver torx wrenches etc. It's a nice tool kit for $99.

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esp multitools.
i have some odd ones i found at the flea and yardsales.
one of my regulars just gave me a modern variant of a Yankee screwdriver.
its a pistol grip and works by squeezing.
Went to Home Depot for some paint and a spark plug wrench. The only socket they had for spark plugs in my size was 1/2" drive. Well, all of my 1/2" stuff it at my son's house so I figured cheap 1/2" ratchet too. The cheap one was $32. So a $6 socket and $32 ratchet later…… then I started looking for a small tool box for use as a seat. The Millwalkee was $89. Now this was potentially getting expensive fast.
The Mrs Fixer saw a Husky display with 230 tools in a box one can set on for $99. Sold!!

And we ended up buying one of those round 5 gallon coolers as a seat for $15. The tool kit contains a lot of your basic size sockets and allen keys but also a bunch you don't normally see in those "kits" these days. Now I have several sockets with x/32 like 13/32 and 0.5mm like 5.5mm just like my dad had a long time ago plus all kinds of nut driver torx wrenches etc. It's a nice tool kit for $99.


I almost bought the 99 buck set to
But I had no way to get it home since I don't drive

If I pull the drawers out far enough to see everything you get 180 some tool pick up and a sore foot.
How do I know this, you ask?
The drawers fell out onto my foot then I had all those sockets to put away in a 100 degree shed.
The 18 volt Ryobi fan made that task much more comfortable.


Bottom drawer shows half. Top drawer about 1/3.


Yet it's pretty small.


A breaker bar came home with me in case the spark plug that led to this purchase put up a fight.
It didn't.

Raggae, unless you took it home in the shopping cart you carried it up front with……
Even carrying it on a bicycle would be tough. I suppose it weighs 30 or 35 pounds.
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I love deals yesterday I got a 8 core tablet with 3 gigs of ram for$240 well truthly I got 3 tablets for 240 lol so 80 bucks per unit
my 2 balls ball pythons that is are such good crazy eaters . and my boa dont eat snake owners will understanf how iroinic this is
My brother in law is a toolaholic. He has all kinds of gadget tools for different jobs. One time at his shop though I was needing a flathead screwdriver and all his were wore out.

What do y'all think about harbor freight tools?
i don't think much of any tool with the mic label...

My brother in law is a toolaholic. He has all kinds of gadget tools for different jobs. One time at his shop though I was needing a flathead screwdriver and all his were wore out.

What do y'all think about harbor freight tools?
My brother in law is a toolaholic. He has all kinds of gadget tools for different jobs. One time at his shop though I was needing a flathead screwdriver and all his were wore out.

What do y'all think about harbor freight tools?

Do you know the rule? If you borrow a man's tools, you return them as soon as you are done, and in the same or better condition than when you borrowed them.

If you are using the man's shop, and you noted that some tools are worn out, perhaps you can get him some replacements, but not Harbor Freight, but a set of Husky's. They have a life time guarantee, just like Craftsman, and are competitively priced. Harbor Freight are hit and miss for quality.
i used to have a huge talls as me snap tool set full if snapon tools .some one stole it all

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