Let me preface with by saying that I don't intend for this to become a political or otherwise heated discussion. I'm just asking a simple question with a follow-on.
1) Are there any RCR123 cells made in the USA?
2) If there are no RCR cells made in the USA, where are they made?
To be clear, I am not questioning the quality or performance of any cell nor the integrity of any individuals/supplies on CPF or otherwise. It's just that I have tried to find the answer to this question with various searches but have not found anything. Any help is appreciated,
1) Are there any RCR123 cells made in the USA?
2) If there are no RCR cells made in the USA, where are they made?
To be clear, I am not questioning the quality or performance of any cell nor the integrity of any individuals/supplies on CPF or otherwise. It's just that I have tried to find the answer to this question with various searches but have not found anything. Any help is appreciated,