Quote from McGizmo:
"I can be quicker off the line than most and this in itself helps establish my credentials to be among them and not as some jerk who should be over in the bike lane."
JERK....not you Don.
I also started with a 1974 Auranthentic Charger
this mini-bike is 24v 300 pound behemoth with a top speed of 32-mph and a range of 20 miles on flat ground
from a charge. This left me stranded more than once. It was made during the oil embargo of the 70's. It's kind of a unique machine and get alot of looks as I whiz by people quietly .
Now I ride a 2004 Vespa ET4 150 CC with a malossi performance piston and cylinder head and a
kevlar belt.
This setup has increased top speed to 71 mph and alot more torque for rapid take offs. Now If Don would build me a McGizmo LED Headlight upgrade I wouldn't worry about overdriving my current 50 Watt headlight
endangering life and limb.
I think america could make the shift to two wheel
transportation and save a hell of lot of fuel and have FUN at the same time!
Here in Kansas there's no helmet law and some of you might gasp at the thought of going 70 mph down a gravel road without a helmet but what good will it do when a cow wanders out it front me
when Im a top speed. It's bad enough having to ride a seafoam green vespa let alone looking like the "Great Gazoo" from the Flintstone'shttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoSiKpqvD9Q