Top Gear is one of the worlds best car shows, not when it comes to giving objective and extensive reviews of new cars, but rather being extremely well put together. The directing, filming and editing of the tests should be the benchmark for the TV industry.
What I don't like is that after season 3-4 somewhere, the show is becoming more and more over-produced. I get the feeling that all middle/fill-out talk is scripted and rehearsed too. In the trans-continental contests, everything is too exciting. I mean come on! When James May flew across a couple of countries, the air control just happen to let him fly across the alps, causing them to just land in time to catch a train. And they just about always end up a couple of minutes after each other on 10-hour journeys. Smells like Braniac-bogus to me.
*cynic mode off*
Still, I watch every show and get a warm feeling in my stomach when the editors have gone crazy and over-done every cut in a car test.