I bought one a while back. Some sellers on Amazon were asking £180+! Hm. I waited a while and picked one up for £45🙂. Anyways. If you're on the fence on this one then all I can say is. Buy one! A truly awesome little light. Easily reaches the claimed max distance far as I can see and the tint is a nice neutral white too. Battery life is impressive considering how small the battery is and it drops nicely into a jacket pocket. Whats more I have yet to get it to heat up to anything more than mildly warm which is pretty impressive for such a small light running an Osram LED which I believe tend to run considerably hotter than other LEDs. I'm hoping the folks at Thrunite will come out with an 18650 version as run time and hopefully output would be even better. It would also make the light much better in the hand imo. More length to the battery tube would make for a much better grip.