Anyone done a multi-lamp Incan?


Jun 10, 2007
Mesa, AZ
We've all seen the multi-LED lights, but what about a multi-lamp Incan? Has anyone done it? I've seen a few of the multi-LED lights powered by big batteries like the DeWalt 18V and other brands. I would think three 6V lamps run in series off an 18V battery would be a good and bright setup. Think Mag85 only three times the light output.

Am I crazy or is this a possible killer light?
SureFire's 9N did it way back. Now their 9AN does it.
SureFire's 10X also does it.
SureFire's Classic WeaponLight system using the A16 adapter allows for two Modules - usually this is intended for a Laser Module over the barrel and a Lamp Module beside the barrel but one could have two Lamp Modules I guess although it would suck the life out of the batteries extremely fast.
Streamlight also has a dual fillament incandescent.
Running two or more incan bulb in serial is not a good idea. If one burn out, you left in dark.
With LEDs, splitting the current among three emitters makes the setup more efficient. With incans, running a single overdriven bulb gives you more efficiency. If you want three times the output of an 1185, just choose a more "super" bulb, like the 62138, for example.

There are dual-bulb setups because that's the easiest way to get dual output levels without taking a big efficiency hit.
TigerhawkT3 is spot on with that comment about efficiency. This is where incandescents have the edge over LEDs. If you overdrive and LED, you lose efficiency, with a filament, you gain efficiency.

As for multi-bulb arrays, these are fine for LEDs which are most likely to be used for close-up work requiring a floody beam. However, incandescent bulbs are usually required to carry out duties that need huge amounts of throw. It is near impossible to focus an array of bulbs into a tight beam. It is much easier to use a single, large reflector and a single, near point-like source of light (bulb).

Also, the most powerful single LEDs are only capable of about 200 lumens, so arrays are required if you need more. With incandescents, the sky is the limit. 1000s of lumens are easily achievable from a single bulb.