Anyone Else Have A Paul Kim Autographed Surefire Hat🤪


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2006
Tampa, Florida

Got this one at Shot Show in Orlando... had a great time with a lot of old timers like Scott, Troy, Brandon, Henry etc... I would enjoy doing that again. Wished PK signed it with a sharpie...

Surefire was great though... they sent everyone at the CPF party home with a light. I came home with an M3🤯
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Goatee- I do have one, lol. Supposedly. Came with a chrome plated non-engraved E2e I purchased a few years ago. From someone who knew someine who worked at SF during PK's heyday. I'll post a pic later.

Byk- 😎

Got this one at Shot Show in Orlando... had a great time with a lot of old timers like Scott, Troy, Brandon, Henry etc... I would enjoy doing that again. Wished PK signed it with a sharpie...

Surefire was great though... they sent everyone at the CPF party home with a light. I came home with an M3[emoji2962]

Seriously the best weekend of my flashlight hobby ever. By far. Good times!!!
PoliceScannerMan;[URL="tel:5448023" said:
5448023[/URL]]Seriously the best weekend of my flashlight hobby ever. By far. Good times!!!

it was awesome! I think Eric Mack was there also no?
Goatee- I do have one, lol. Supposedly. Came with a chrome plated non-engraved E2e I purchased a few years ago. From someone who knew someine who worked at SF during PK's heyday. I'll post a pic later.

Byk- 

I forgot I had it until my son brought it out!
Well, not a SF hat, but a PK hat. Autograph is under the brim in sharpie. Better late than never... :)
